May was the month

May is one of my favourite months of the year. With summer long gone, and autumn colours dotted throughout, looped scarves have found their way again. Here, changes were many in the month of May, (and not just scarves.) Beginnings and endings, scratchy throats and prizes, farewells and fabulousness. May was the month for all of that.

May was the month, when I excitedly got to see my Head On landscape finalist picture hanging in some pretty swish surroundings at NSW Parliament. It was also when I got to shake hands with a few politicians having just won the president prize. It’s this pic if you are curious.)

May was the month my dear fabulous friend Fran, finished her epic Camino di Santiago journey on the other side of the world. After walking 800kms in 28 days to raise money and awareness for the education of girls in Sierre Leone and Uganda. I’m pretty darn proud to say I know this rockin’ woman, because she really is, all kinds of fabulousness.

May was the month, I hung some of my works from The Sunrise Swimmers in a totally new space. As part of Arts for Health at John Hunter Hospital, some prints from the collection are now hopefully distracting anxious loved ones outside of operating theatres. Sidetracking patients going into wards, and sharing a few everyday stories with people rushing by. I’m honoured to be a part of this program, and truly hope in the three months the pictures will be hanging, that they lighten someones day if only for a minute.

May was the month when the sea water got cooler and the crowds dropped off, May was also the month when I questioned (just briefly) my decision on swimming through winter.

May was finally the month that the garden got a better look in. Not quite the pumping of produce that I’d hoped it might be at this time of year. However with a little recent rain and some gritted determination, maybe June will be the month for the garden.

How about you? How was your May?

Or June, how’s that month lining up?

Roll in the direction you are facing

Just like that this little space has once again changed. No fanfare no, no jazz hands and no jumping about with pointing fingers. It just kind of happened.

Slipping into the realm of when the time feels right to, well write. After over eight years of consistently blogging, at first every second day, then several times a week to, once a week, it’s now drifted into ‘surprise’ posts. Over that time there was consistency I gave myself deadlines, it worked for me and helped to practise my craft. A part of doing so turned me into a writer and a photographer. I’m incredibly grateful for blogging because of that.

Recently, it all changed again, not dramatically but slowly things just kind of organically shifted. This year I’ve just come to the end of a beautiful project I’ve been working on for some time.

With this long term project has come a different focus. A need for deeper thinking, more channelled energy, which has meant less time in this blog space. That’s ok, after 8 years the international blogging landscape has shifted a lot, and wowsers things are different to when I first started! That’s ok, I’m different too. Not the core of who I am, that is still the same but the gently ever changing focus, yes it has changed a bit.

While sustainability is still a strong pull, with some of my work being regularly found in Earth Garden Magazine, Organic Gardener, Pip Magazine and various other pop ups. My community focused documentary photography is finding it’s feet and that is crazy exciting as it’s something that creates excitement and a slightly held breath in ways that haven’t been seen before. And now, it’s time to roll in that direction I’m facing.

If you are a local to the Newcastle area, The Sunrise Swimmers of Merewether Ocean Baths exhibition has just finished, however the book can be found on my website, (also sold at Macleans Booksellers, Harry Harthog, and a lovely new stockist The Newcastle Shop.)

Over at I’m having a ‘Little Print Sale’ to celebrate the exhibition and book release, and early next month a few other things are happening. I found out I’m a finalist in the very esteemed Head On Photo Festival, and there will be an encore viewing in two different venues with some of my prints from The Sunrise Swimmers collection.

In addition to that, and importantly…after a really hot summer and a slightly distracted backyard focus… my garden might just get a proper look in.

What’s happening in your world?


Whale Migration and Seismic Testing

Seismic testing has been given the go ahead along Newcastle’s coastline. It involves sending repetitive sonic blasts into the ocean floor to identify natural gas deposits, which in turn has the potential to effect everything pretty much everything through the marine life chain.

These pictures are from last weekends protest rally here in Newcastle, NSW, where it seems  someone forgot to ask the community if they actually wanted a potential offshore gas field along their beautiful coastline. The testing also coincides with annual whale migration, meaning both testing and consequences of potentially having an offshore oil or gas field surely need to be seriously reconsidered.

Further reading can be found here.

The Launch of The Sunrise Swimmers

A week slipped by, well maybe two, but where did it go they all whispered?

It went here, she called back. It went here! Not hiding the excitement that had snuck into her voice when she said so. Two weeks slipped by in these pages but out there in the community, there was a book launch, an exhibition opening, and an amazing weekend to kickstart it all.

The launch went beautifully. The gallery space was packed, the swimmers happy and I’m still feeling like it’s all a little surreal. Until my feet land completely back on the ground, I’m going to keep things fairly brief.

I’m incredibly lucky to be supported by both the Newcastle City Library for inviting me to use their gallery space and also to Olympus for trusting that I would produce a body of work that they would align their name with. (That still rocks my world!)

If by chance you are in the Newcastle area, the exhibition is on until the 17th April, with two artist talks, and a sunrise swim within the time.

If you are further afield, but are still interested in seeing some of the imagery and reading a few of the stories of The Sunrise Swimmers, the book may be purchased via my website here, and locally (Newcastle at this early stage) via all good book sellers. Prints if you are keen for some salty sunrise images for your walls, are also available via here. 

The Sunrise Swimmers Launch

Exhibition The Sunrise Swimmers: 24th Feb- 17th Apr 2018

Artist Talk: 11am 3rd March (yesterday, and it was so much fun!)

Artist Talk: 11am 9th March

Merewether Ocean Baths Sunrise Swim: 6.30am 17th March (no bookings required)

Instagram @brydiepiaf  #thesunriseswimmers

It’s all coming together

the sunrise swimmers

The next few weeks are filled with preparations, lists slowly being whittled down, installing, and rather a lot of strong coffee, (ahhh yes, coffee.)

And after all that coffee is drunk? The Sunrise Swimmers exhibition officially launches.

My book also launches. That launch week will see a crazy amount of people coming to celebrate the delicious joy of sea swimming at sunrise.

From here on in, the boxes of beautiful shiny books are standing by the wall. The bottles of wine are ready to go by the door. The invitations have been sent out, posters are being placed in corners of this wonderful city, and encouraging words are being gathering by all kinds of lovely people.

Seeing this project slowly unfurl, piece by piece has been amazing, but to stand here now and watch these last few weeks really come together, well THAT is very exciting!


The Pipi Master

In the lead up to my exhibition and book launch in a few weeks, I thought I would do another post with a salty sea theme. This one is a little different from the usual post I do here in this space- a short story, a work of fiction. Each year our local paper runs a summer short story award, and in 2017 I was a finalist with this story. The rules are simple. Write 1000 words based on one of the pictures given to spark the creative goodness, and in doing just that, comes The Pipi Master. (click-through to the link for the associated picture.)

The Pipi Master

Gran said she’d be back in half an hour. Stopping half way down the sandy walk way she turned back though, ‘you sure you’ll be ok up there by yourself?’

It was the third time she’d asked, so instead of giving her a bunch of reassuring words like he’d done the other times he waved her away with a smile, walking further up the headland. She knew where he’d be, up the top, looking out over the beach. He would be able to see her, and she him. Except he didn’t need to keep tabs on her like she did. He was free to do as he pleased, as long as he stayed within sight.

At 11 years old he thought he could have been given a little more elbowroom, but she was his Gran, and he didn’t want her to feel bad. Besides he wasn’t going anywhere. Just going to hangout out, maybe Kody would swing by in a little bit on his bike and then they’d all go home together. Kody was 15 and obviously didn’t feel quite so bad about hurting Gran’s feelings by not hanging out with her all afternoon. Kody had been able to go surfing with his mates down at Smashing Rock for most of the day. Gone for hours now, but he knew he had to be back to meet them before the sun went down.

That was the rule.

He lay down across the posts. Not the most comfortable place to be, but he could feel the late afternoon sun on his back, and still watch the water to his front. Half closing his eyes listening to the waves crash.

Tide was coming in now. Squinting and craning his neck round a bit further he tried to see whether the shack he’d been trying to put together a few days ago with Kody was still there. They’d spent ages finding old logs and sticks that had been washed up along the beach to build a little shelter for Gran to sit in. She didn’t seem that keen on sitting though, said she was happy enough standing on the edge letting the waves lick at her feet while she threw a line in. Fishing mad she was. Any opportunity to get the fishing line out and she would. Sometimes she’d catch some whoppers, other times he thought she just wanted to get her feet wet and have some thinking time. Gran had told him once when they’d stood together waiting with her reel, that fishing on the beach was a good time for conversations that were too hard around the dinner table…and was also a good time for thinking, she’d said almost to herself. He hadn’t anything big to tell her, but he nodded, and she seemed to think that was ok.

That’s what she was doing now. Well not really fishing, but seeing if there were any pipis in the sand for tomorrow. She’d wait for the wave to pull back, leaving the tell tale bubbles in the sand of the pipis below. In her hand would dive to grab them, then she’d throw them into her red plastic bucket. ‘Not too many,’ she would say when he go down with her. ‘Never too many, we don’t want to be greedy do we… Just enough for tomorrows catch eh love.’

He used to enjoy doing that with her; she called him the Master of Pipis. It was something his mum and dad never seemed to get time to do lately. Always at work, they’d barely even come down to the beach this summer. If it wasn’t for Gran, these school holidays would have been dead boring.

He shifted his body weight a little, and nearly fell off the post. Sitting up instead, he dangled his feet over the top, hearing voices he looked back towards the carpark.

A couple of surfers had walked up to the top of the walkway and were pointing out towards the break, obviously discussing the best way to catch a few before the sun went down completely. He watched them as they started to trot down the sandy path. Surfers never seemed to walk down to the water they always needed to get a little bit of a run up. Why was that? He’d have to ask Kody, he’d know. It was like they were so excited after seeing the water they just couldn’t wait any longer.


He loved the water, loved the beach but surfing wasn’t his thing. He’d tried it a bit the summer before, but the last time he’d been a bit slow in getting over a set and had got dragged across the rocks over on the east end. Kody had yelled at him for not ducking under earlier, and dinging his precious board up but had stopped when he saw the blood gushing from the side of his head. Four stiches at JHH that had been. His mate Jimmy had been well impressed.

Gran wasn’t though and blamed herself for not keeping him safer. She’d kept a closer eye on him since then, even though that was a whole summer ago.

He could see her off in the distance. Her ridiculously big floppy hat making her easy to pick out from the rest of the late afternoon beach goers. They’d all given her that hat at Christmas as a bit of a joke. She’d worn it every day since.

Everyone was packing up now; the beach starting to empty, and his tummy was getting hungry. Maybe he’d convince Gran to stop off for some hot chips before they got home, he knew Kody would be up for some, and Gran was always pretty keen. She liked the weird shaped crunchy ones at the bottom.

He jumped off the post and started his way back down the path, maybe he’d see if Gran needed a hand finding a few more pipis, he was after all the master.

* This piece of work was originally published in The Newcastle Herald

Running with the season

Late afternoon sunflowers that grow a little weary in the heat.

Coriander goes to seed, and the lettuce? Oh it bolted long ago. Along with the rhubarb who gave up the ghost, and the rainbow chard that’s now a tower of delightfully coloured seed. And pumpkins? Unlike last year where we were swimming in them, this year not even one.

Not the cherry tomatoes though, those tomatoes are still running strong. Although leave them too long and they will sundry right there on the stems in which they grew.

This is our summer.

Hot, windy and dry. So dry.

This season has been a funny one. So many of the plants just seem confused. Rain has been infrequent and barely enough these last six months. Garden space is now reduced to the smallest of small areas just to keep hopes going. There is still hope though, of course there will be a time for things to bounce back and regain their former glorious green. Time for the lilli pilli to regain its shiny leaves and time for far more bread to be baked when the kitchen is just a smidge cooler. The blue banded bees will keep coming, and that in itself is just gentle reminder to keep things simple.

Run with the season, do what we can, and instead spend time feeding that crucial soil in which the garden will grow from. There’s always something to do.


How’s your garden going?


The Sunrise Swimmers

Nearly two years ago I loosely started a project as a way of reconnecting to a city I hadn’t called home for a really long time. All I knew is, it would involve a camera and the ocean. As time went on this delicious project evolved into The Sunrise Swimmers. It’s something I’ve put my whole heart into, and next month this collection of portraits, seascapes and stories from the early morning swimmers of Newcastle’s iconic, Merewether Ocean Baths is launched. My solo exhibition is supported by Olympus and will be on for 7 weeks at Newcastle Library, and along with it, a limited edition book.

Am I excited? You betcha. I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this project and to have met so many wonderful, wonderful people because of it. Connecting with community is something that is incredibly important to me, and through this project I’ve done just that. Tapped into the most wonderful, sea loving community of people, while being able to tell a tiny part of their stories. Yep I’ve loved every part of it!


To register for tickets (it’s free, yay!) for both the exhibition and book launch event. Please clickity click here.

Time for a seasonal siesta

It’s time for a seasonal siesta.

But before I draw the curtains and pop open the prosecco. I just wanted to thank you  lovely readers, for coming along for the ride. Whether you are a long term reader or just bouncing in for the first time. In a world where there a gazillion web pages to choose from to read, I truly appreciate that you’ve taken the time to stop by here.

See you in 2018 for more posts on simple connected living.

(or instagram if you are want to say hello over the blog siesta period 🙂

Between the pages


A distracting sandwich

The sandwich was distracting me.

I was supposed to be submitting things, sorting things, tidying things. All things related to the computer and to be honest, it wasn’t holding my interest quite as it should have.

The sandwich to my right however, was another story.

My whole-hearted attention belonged to two slices of bread and an assortment of delicious fillings within it. This dear ones, was a very special sandwich.

Truly, truly this was a kick arse sanga. Two pieces of dark rye sourdough with just the right amount of chew, Gouda cheese sliced thinly over and over to form a wall of delicate cheese. Prosciutto also sliced thinly due to its strong salty taste, meaning more of tasty hint, rather than a starring role. (There was to be no starring roles here, it was all about entwined flavours within the sandwich with no competition of flavours.)

On one side the subtle mayonnaise, creamy with a kick of tartness and just enough to lubricate each mouthful to reach the perfect level of taste bud comfort. The pickle…ahh, the pickle. The pickle really could have been a stand alone star, but here it had been relegated to sit amongst the layered slices. A fat pickle now cut into wedges of which were the perfect length for said sandwich. Not falling out of your sandwich at every bite as some substandard pickles will do.

Add in a forkful or two of locally made kimchi, and there you had it. Some lunch time goodness not usually seen at this level (for various lazy reasons.)

Nothing more, nothing less. The inside workings of a sandwich like this, are often those ingredients forgotten to backs of fridges, relegated to the condiment list, or perhaps hastily slapped together in methods that didn’t allow for the sandwich song to be heard. Not today though, oh no. Sing it did. All the way from the first mouthful, to the very last. Each bite a perfect distracting chew.

I had long since given in.

There was no computer work to be done now. Full attention was going to be given to this wonderous (and easily manipulated in one hand) lunch time goodness. It will was a distracting sandwich.

An assortment of delicious fillings

rye sourdough


gouda cheese



