Tipple Time- Eat Local Challenge #7

eat local challenge || cityhippyfarmgirl

Jubilee || cityhippyfarmgirl

I’m not much of a drinker. Half a glass of wine, a full glass if I’m feeling particularly robust and that’s about it. That’s not to say I don’t like it, I do, I love wine lots and lots. Anything more than a glass though and it just gets me sleepy and quite frankly, there is always something else to do. I don’t need to feel extra sleepy on top of my usual sleepy. I can do that perfectly well on my own accord.

Now if I am going to have a glass of wine, it’s got to be a good one. I want organic and or as local as possible pretty please. On our recent trip to St Albans, I hit the local winery jackpot at the farmers markets of Glenorie, just near Dural, (aided by the enthusiastic French accented fellow who got me wine tasting and buying at 9.30am.)

Jubilee Vineyard Estate– I’m not sure there is anything closer if you are looking for a Sydney locavore drop, what’s more it was delicious, (which is why the photos are shown as one down and one to go.)

The White Chambourcin is described as, “clean fresh fruity aromas of strawberry, raspberry & lemon with a palate of raspberries and lingering citrus.” While my wine palate descriptions are restricted to good or not so good. It was definitely on the good side, delicious even.

How about you, do you enjoy a tipple? What’s your favourite local drop?

eat local challenge || cityhippyfarmgirl

eat local || cityhippyfarmgirl

Where did it come all from?

Shallots and Capsicum- Rita’s Farm, Kemps Creek 50km

Mushrooms- Margin’s Mushrooms, Woy Woy 80km

Potatoes- Naturally Grown Naturally Better, Crookwell 240km

Eggs- Port Stephens Eggs

Wine- Hawkesbury River

 Interested in taking the challenge?

Just how local is local? Well this depends entirely on you. Only you know how you and your family eat. Raise the bar just a little from what you already do. If making sure the majority of your meal includes solely food produced in your country, than make that your challenge. If you want to make it a little trickier, go for produced in the same state…trickier still within 160km.

My aim is to really know where my food is coming from for at least one meal a month, (where I will be posting here in the last week of the month).

Eat Local Challenge #5

Eat Local Challenge #4

Eat Local Challenge #3

Eat Local Challenge #2

Eat Local Challenge #1

eat local challenge || cityhippyfarmgirl

24 thoughts on “Tipple Time- Eat Local Challenge #7

  1. Lovely local stuff yet again. I get hayfever when I drink wine, even organic …but sometimes the hay fever is worth it. I am loving these posts on eating local.


    • I’ll have to do a little research in your area one day Kim or the Newcastle area anyway. I would imagine it’s pretty similar to Sydney but more availability due to less urban sprawl. Plus I’d be sorted with beef 😉


  2. What a beautiful rustic potato frittata with the ever so pretty capsicum on top. I love your idea of Eating Local, it is creative and opens up a world to us all. Fancy, a winery near the Hawkesbury 😀


  3. Yay! You found my local market. The mushrooms are the best. I feel the same about wine not always being worth how tired and ‘sinusie’ it makes me. I do however have a bottle of the superb Jubilee Sparkling Rose waiting in the fridge for a perfectly warm spring evening.


  4. Nice one, you are killing the eat local challenge. Its sweet for me with you guys just down the road. 🙂
    Ummmm…. How does one answer your question with out sounding like an alcho?! LoL! I do indeed enjoy a tipple, often! 🙂 Fave local drop, I am working my way through my collection from my work wine tour, Helm Wines, Clonakilla, Shaw Wines & Four Winds have a lovely white… Will come back to you with the varietal.


  5. We are a bit spoiled for choice around here. I could literally jog across the paddock to buy a bottle! It is one of those things that require a certain degree of space – I haven’t heard of any rooftop vineyards just yet, but they could still happen! Inspired by your local eating, as always. x


  6. Hey, guess what I’m drinking while I read your blog? I like to have a glass of red some nights with dinner, only one, for the same reasons as you 🙂 I don’t come from wine country, but I always buy Australian wine if that counts!


  7. I don’t drink wine but am surrounded by vineyards here in the Tamar Valley. I guess if I ever take it up, I will have plenty to choose from and with VERY low carbon miles 😉


  8. Pingback: Leek and Potato Soup- ELC #8 | cityhippyfarmgirl

  9. Pingback: Crackers, pesto and for the love of good honey- ELC #9 | cityhippyfarmgirl

  10. Pingback: Rosemary, Thyme and Zucchini Bread- ELC#10 | cityhippyfarmgirl

  11. Pingback: Eat Local Challenge- The End | cityhippyfarmgirl

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