biscuits, cookies and things to nibble

I hadn’t realised I had baked quite so many biscuits over bloggin’ time…

Custard Biscuits

Gingerbread Men

Anzac Biscuits

Lemon Vanilla Stars

Coconut Jam Drops

Everyday Chocolate Mint Biscuits

honey biscuits

Chewy Coconut Biscuits


Chocolate Honey Biscuits

Parmesan Crackers

super easy chocolate chip biscuits

Passionfruit Shortbread

Kettles boiled… anyone want to join me for afternoon tea?

Tea or Coffee?

37 thoughts on “biscuits, cookies and things to nibble

  1. ps – you may need to consider updating you “about me” description up the top – says there are only two kids –
    and you may also want to add ‘passionate and extraordinary homebirther’ to your interests xxxxxx


  2. Sorry about that earlier comment! I was giving the commenting system a test. Gmail told me I couldn’t comment because I wasn’t logged in and I’ve been trying to fix the problem. It now seems to be solved so I will now get back to the commenting!

    You have certainly cooked a fair few more biscuits than I have and you have inspired me to do more baking! It’s is afternoon tea time here in Sydney and I would love to be offered a selection of these! xx


  3. I hadn’t realised either until I hopped onto your recipe page one day a while back!

    So comforting to look back on these posts and all of that wholesome baking..and eating!

    *extends empty tea-cup for refill* 😉


  4. I knew Brydie, because I so regularly turn to the biscuits section of your recipes page 🙂 It is a beautiful section and this is a beautiful round up.


  5. Yes funny when you look back. They all look fantastic you could get a job at Arnotts. Ill have white tea no sugar cause I would eat about 10 cookies.


  6. We are devoted to biscuits and consequently there are rarely any in the house, but I am inspired to bake some soon, as even though I would love to come for tea, I think that your other readers will have eaten them all by the time we get there !


  7. great idea to remind us of all these beautiful posts. I would definitely go for your chocolate honey cookies, they look so professional and yummy!


  8. I’ll have one of each with a cup of tea please! I’ve just started baking and managed a few banana loves and a apple walnut and raisin loaf (easier to cut and pack for lunches than round cakes) but I’m not game enough to try biscuits yet – but very inspired! Yummmmmm! – Kara


  9. Those biscuits all look so lovely – your photos make them look very very desirable and beautiful. In fact it makes me wonder why there aren’t any bikkies in your header banner – has it just been updated or did I not notice the update a while back?


  10. They all look delicious, but if I have to choose it’ll be a chocolate honey biscuit for me please! Great round up.


  11. I tried your passionfruit shortbread recipe a few days ago and it turned out absolutely brilliant and was very easy to make. Thank you for all your recipes.


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