full bellies and kitchen light

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It’s that time of year where there is far too much light in my kitchen. Far too much. The kind of light that come afternoon time illuminates every fallen crumb, every slopped drop and probably a little too much sticky dust to feel entirely comfortable with. Yes I could clean it, but who has two whole days to designate to kitchen cleaning? (Which is how long it would take.) Better if I just keep cooking and await day light saving to kick in, the light will be much more friendly then.

Dishes creating those fallen crumbs and sloppy drops have been a plenty. It’s always the busiest room of the household, and it’s unlikely to be slowing down any time soon.

Fetta flat breads to be baked for afternoon picnics in parks.

Little pastry parcels that have names like empanadas, pasties, pocket pies, short eats and tasty goodness. (Ok I might have made the last one up.)

There have been mung beans to be sprouted.

Chocolate Vanilla layer biscuits were inhaled.

Stripey sourdough loaves baked with a shake of cocoa on top for a visual effect.

and simple vegetarian dinners were gobbled up on a Saturday night.

The cauliflower quinoa dish was entirely forgetable (definitely not worthy of a photo) and the two batches of chocolate biscuits consumed and given away within a blink of an eye didn’t quite make it to a photo.

My kitchen corners might not be super clean but at least our bellies have been full.


linking in with the lovely Celia this month.