Celebrate, it’s Thursday (Iced Vovo Cupcakes may be needed)

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I was still a bit unclear of what we were celebrating the next day. Requests had been made though, and when the requests are asked in a small, considered voice, hope dancing in her eyes…well it’s hard to say no.

It seems we were going to celebrate the fact that it was Thursday, and that alone was reason enough to make some celebratory cupcakes. Cupcakes of the marshmallowy, Iced Vovo Cupcake kind. What ever you are up to this Thursday, I hope it has a little something to celebrate in it.

Iced Vovo Cupcake recipe here.


Iced Vovo Cupcakes

iced vovo cupcakes || cityhippyfarmgirl

Mostly this is a household of wholemeal spelt, raw kale salads, buckwheat, sourdough and whatever is fermenting on the benchtop at the time. Occasionally all of that goes out the window and something like the Iced VoVo Cupcake comes along though.

I knew I wanted to make them. I’d been dreaming of how I would do so, but the right time just hadn’t come along yet.

Then it did.

The time was right and Iced Vovo Cupcakes was a surety.

You might have heard the squeals of delight from the pint sized ones as I put these on the table, (I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard them.)

iced vovo cupcakes recipe || cityhippyfarmgirl

Iced Vovo Cupcakes

150g butter

2 eggs

150g (2/3 cup) sugar

2 tsp vanilla

300g (2 cups) self raising flour

125mls (1/2 cup) milk

Marshmallow Topping

100g marshmallows

small amount of raspberry/strawberry jam

extra desiccated coconut for sprinkling

Cream butter and sugar. Add in vanilla, beaten eggs, and milk together than fold in flour. Bake in lined cupcake tray, 180C for about 25 minutes. (Or until light golden in colour.)

Marshmallow topping

In a bowl, microwave 100g of marshmallows for 30 seconds. The marshmallows will be soft, mix them around a little and then cool for about 5 minutes before you put them in the piping bag. Too hot and they will drip off the cake, too cool and they will just end up a sticky mess. Pipe them on, leaving a small hole for the jam up top. Pop them into the fridge to set them for 10 minutes. Add half a teaspoon of jam into the hole and sprinkle a little coconut on top.

Ready to eat!

iced vovo cupcakes || cityhippyfarmgirl