loving right now

Lots of energy within, but I’m having trouble knowing where to direct it. So many things to do, so many things I want to do… and I want to do them all.

A few things I’m loving at the moment…

creating with The Monkeys, using buttons and felt

my new old couch… or is it my old new couch?

making simple honey biscuits

hearing Little Monkey describe something as… wuvley

a new favourite cafe, that serve with vintage saucers and proper teapots

5.30am cups of chai. A magical time of day. It feels like bonus time, extra time. The Monkeys are (hopefully) still asleep and Mr Chocolate is long gone to work. Just me and the moment of a new dawning day…


What are you loving at the moment?

happy moments

Lots of lovely happy moments this week.

Getting caught in a quick Autumn storm.

Unwrapping boxes sent to me from kind friends and kind chefs.

Wearing earrings bought from Lilac and Snow for the QLD Relief Auction, that every time I put them on, it jump starts the happy again. I love these little earrings to bits.

No one is sick. Little Monkey is healing and his pain is a lot better.

Reinterpreting old classics. Did you know one of the three bears nearly fell into his bowl of porridge?

Restoring dinner with girlfriends.

Super star kind friends who cook extra and drop off multiple meals.

Arm and toe dancing with Little Monkey to chunky guitar music cranked up way too loud.

What happy moments have you had this week?