unplugged… in my kitchen

 In my kitchen…

 is some beautiful camomile tea…

 perfect to go into my new tea cup, given to me by a lovely friend. I’m sure things taste better when you love the cup you are drinking from.

 In my kitchen… is sitting a birthday book, Cake Wrecks…. oh some of these are lip biting.

 In my kitchen… sits a gorgeous bunch of flowers. There is something quite lovely about finding a bunch of flowers waiting for you on your door step.

In my kitchen…. sits the latest Sanctuary magazine, fittingly focusing on green kitchens. Helps with the dreaming this one does…

In My Kitchen is a monthly post done by the favourite foodie on her street- Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial


Now for something a little bit different

cityhippyfarmgirl unplugged

I’ve been tagged by the lovely Choclette from Chocolate Log Blog to answer a few questions

1. What, or who inspired you to start a blog?
It was a half baked idea that came to me after looking at only two, yes two blogs a couple of times before. I thought if I could inspire even just one person to eat better, live a greener life while living in the city, than it would be worth it. Plus it would give me an outlet for recipes, photos and the continuous waffling that I’m rather fond of, (and saves on scrappy pieces of paper that were floating around before.)
2. Who is your foodie inspiration?
Other bloggers. You all inspire me to do more, create more…hmm, and probably eat more.
3. Your greasiest, batter – splattered food/drink book is?
Now computer screen shouldn’t be the right answer now should it, but these days that’s where the bulk of inspiration comes from, splatters and all.
4. Tell us all about the best thing you have ever eaten in another country, where was it, what was it?
Oh, oh, oh… my favourite thing to relive!
The moon was full, the summer was high. A large group of about twenty had gathered around a long table. Surrounded by a green garden, the conversation was animated and lively. It could be nothing but, as I was in Italy. Before me lay the biggest plate of Spaghetti all’ Aragosta- or Lobster Pasta, followed by icy Limoncello. The more time goes by, the better that memory is.
5. Another food bloggers table you’d like to eat at is?
It would have to be Katherine and Greg’s table at Rufus’ Food and Spirits Guide. I’d be happy to be their dish pig for a week if only I could sample just a little?
6. What is the one kitchen gadget you would ask Santa for this year (money no object of course)?
I don’t need a a gadget I need  want more kitchen bench space and…. a fermenting room. This is Misk’s fault, she planted the idea and it’s having trouble shifting. A darkened, wood lined little room. With shelves of preserves, cheeses, hanging salamis, bubbling starters and a whole lot more. Ahhh…yes indeed.
7. Who taught you how to cook?
My mama… A lot of conversations were centred around the kitchen as a kid. I’m sure I learnt the bulk of my basics just from kitchen osmosis.
8. I’m coming to you for dinner what’s your signature dish?
Crikey, do I have one? I have this blog to remind me that I can cook, but I also need reminders as to what…. actually let’s be realistic, it would  probably involve sourdough.
9. What is your guilty food pleasure? 
Marzipan. One of the palates many joys. Kind of gritty and odd tasting, and I love it.
10. Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn?
I’m growing a baby. No, wait you already know that…
Now to pass on to five other bloggers who may or may not like to cough up some answers
Kari at Bite Sized Thoughts– the only girl I know, who does a spread sheet for the books she reads, and I love that.
Katherine and Greg at Rufus’ Food and Spirits Guide– I’m happy with any scraps they might throw out.
Amanda at Lamb’s Ears and Honey– seasonal, ethical and local. It’s all there.
Misk at Misk Cooks– my fermenting room pal.
Mariana at Through my kitchen window– if someone could just side track this lovely lady while I fill a rather large bag of goodies from her pantry, that would be great.
* This concept was started by Not Just Any Old Baking.