Kanelbullar…or how to twist Cinnamon Buns

kanelbullar || cityhippyfarmgirl kanelbullar || cityhippyfarmgirl kanelbullar || cityhippyfarmgirl

My children grow like weeds.

Close your eyes briefly overnight and suddenly pants are looking a little short. Dresses have become tops and shoes look a little painful.

I accept this as what children do. However it still befuddles me as to how they can constantly be so damn hungry.

From the time of grey morning light, where eyes are yet to be prised open. I often wake to small voices saying, Mama….I’m huuuungry. This pattern continues throughout the day, right up until the dark night, where it should be a time of whispered goodnights, and I love you. Not replaced, which is lovely. Just with a little addition.

Goodnight Mama….I love you….I’m a bit hungry.

And so it goes. With us being smack bang in the middle of school holidays, those hungry choruses are equally unified, amplified, and questionably justified. I’m sure I just fed you!

So with meal times at the moment having alarming frequencies, and it nearly being the 4th of October (For new readers or regular readers who need a reminder, this means it’s Cinnamon Bun Day coming up- thank you my Nordic thinkers!) I thought it might be time to finally do something about the requests I get on how to do these twisty buns.

Are they authentically Nordic? As an Australian who is yet to set foot on any Nordic soil (this is regretful of my part) I actually don’t know.


They work. They are pretty tasty, and happily, they fill up those ravenous children of mine, (albeit briefly.)

First up. The recipe can be found here from last year.

Secondly, if you don’t play with sourdough, try 2 tsp of dried yeast to replace the 1.

Thirdly, I’ve played a few times with different twists over the years. Tucking under with the end into the middle, tucking over with the middle, simple swirls or tucking the twist across the dough all seem to work fine.

Lastly, pearled sugar is what generally goes on top which can be tricky to get at times. It comes in different forms but makes it look a bit fancier, (on some here, I’ve also used Dutch coloured sugar aniseed.)

(Extra special thanks to my 10 year old camera helper.)

11 thoughts on “Kanelbullar…or how to twist Cinnamon Buns

    • So many meals Jane! I usually like the smaller sugar pearls but they are trickster to get and I’m all out. Need to source some more!…The big lumpy ones will do though for now šŸ™‚
      Thanks for the kind words on the video too, as you would know, not easy when baking and camera wielding, so the little fella did well.
      Hope your long weekend is a great one. x


  1. Pingback: Cinnamon Bun Day rises again | cityhippyfarmgirl

  2. Pingback: Sticky buns and spices | cityhippyfarmgirl

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