loving… seasonal changes

artichoke || cityhippyfarmgirl


my first ever artichoke to cook…it felt very adult like.

strawberry season || cityhippyfarmgirl


strawberry season, it’s fast and furious round here and that’s just the consumption of them. Another strawberry crumble was inhaled. (The key to it is the lemon zest, I’m sure of it.)

earth garden || cityhippyfarmgirl


reading the spring edition of Earth Garden.

flowers || cityhippyfarmgirl


light, and so much more of it. It’s there early in the morning and it’s there in the early evening.


While this week certainly hasn’t been all sunshiney soft light, rainbows, and unicorns. I am really thankful for those small moments captured in these pictures. I’m also loving the fact that we have a functioning healthcare system in this country, (that while it isn’t without it’s problems, is pretty damn good as well.) And I’m loving that.

What have you been loving lately?

[“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE]

28 thoughts on “loving… seasonal changes

  1. I’m loving my local pears, cool fall mornings, and fall apples! Artichokes are a favorite of mine; I simply steam them and pick the leaves one by one to eat plain. My husband only eats the hearts, so it works out perfectly in our house. 🙂


  2. I felt the same way when I cooked an artichoke for the first time! I’m a little concerned that you’ve had reason to love the health system, but yes, we’re very lucky. I’m loving watching my husband discover the changes in the garden. He gets very excited when he notices something different. We’ve been here almost a year and are loving the little back yard more and more.


    • Sam that’s a wonderful thing to be loving. A year in the one spot is just enough time to really, really notice those garden differences, and to be getting excited about…well even better. I get excited about the changes my pots present, let alone a whole big garden!


  3. brydie..the strawberries have been amazing lately..i bought two kilos to make jam but they were so good we ate them fresh..i’m loving watching the progress of my seed plantings..the tomatoes are ready to be transplanted into bigger containers..and i agree with you about our health system..yes..it isn’t perfect but it’s pretty damned good especially compared to so many other countries..and that’s a great security particularly with the little ones like you have..


    • It’s the little ones that are making me be thankful for our healthcare system, so yes…a HUGE yes.
      Enjoy all of those seedlings and strawberries Jane, (and maybe whisper a hurry up to my tomato seedlings as they are taking their sweet time at the moment.)


  4. I’m loving the light, the broad beans and the softness of the air. I know of what you speak with the health system: Tony’s had some scary issues over the last few months (now seemingly resolved) and I give thanks for our health system. Not perfect but pretty damn good as you say.


  5. Hello Brydie…can it be Sunday again? How good is the new look Earth Garden magazine? I really love it. I have not seen the latest issue, I will have to find it. The strawberries have been amazing. They are so cheap…it makes me wonder what the farmers are making out of it. Lately I am loving celebrating my daughter’s 8th birthday with a simple gathering in the bush and abundant asparagus in the garden. Happy Sunday to you! x


    • They are cheap aren’t they….what does a strawberry farmer get I wonder (musing now too.) Happy Birthday to your daughter, and hurray for simple gatherings in the bush I say.
      As for Earth Garden’s new look, yep it is rocking, and I’m loving it lots!


  6. I’m loving the seasonal changes too, albeit of the autumnal sort here 🙂 And artichoke cooking…very impressive indeed dear Brydie. I once bought one with that intention but never actually got to it (terribly wasteful and so I’ve never tried again!).


  7. Oh, that quote at the end really sums it up!
    It’s difficult to be ‘present’ these days where life seems to fly by so fast. But it’s so important to stop and breather. We experienced something quite inspirational yesterday at the beach- I looked up from gathering shells with my little boys to find beachgoers busily digging in the sand, having conversations with one another, and just being in the moment. How refreshing to see everyone looking for something *other* than their cell phones 😉
    On a seasonal note, enjoy those strawberries! Our season is fast and furious here as well, however we’re diving head first into autumn. Loving these changes.


  8. Earl spring is a mix of incredibly possibilities and me, twitching on the sidelines waiting for the dreaded “Daylight Savings” to kick in. On one hand we are building a huge perimeter fence around our house block so that I can garden in peace inside without wallaby invasion and the dogs can run to their hearts content (Earls hearts content might involve 24/7 marathons for the first few weeks 😉 ) and everything out there is making me twitch with excitement about the gardening possibilities. Then I remember that next Sunday is Daylight Savings…probably not so bad for people who get up at normal times but this little black narfy duck gets up at 3am…I have set the clock for 2am this week. I don’t need to day any more about that ;). Loving your gorgeous Sydney possibilities, the light and you are SO right about the health system (at the moment). Make the most of it while we still have it. Gorgeous cosmos and light shot and that quote at the end is food for the soul 🙂


      • I point blank refuse to be turned into a zombie by daylight savings and thus my 2am is next Sunday’s 3am and my “normal” time to wake. This is my (bolshie) way of robbing daylight savings of it’s power to stupify ;). I have been going to bed at 6pm… yeah… lucky I don’t watch television eh? 😉


  9. Loving this inspiring post, Brydie after a week without internet due to moving. I am loving being a suburbanite with its perks such as council waste and recycling pick-up, walking to park and mobile library bus! Closer to my bulk health food shop! Oh and better and cheaper internet connection! Warmer house! Newer kitchen and bathroom! Lots to be loving and lots of gratitude.


  10. I’m loving the gorgeous weather and the longer days. Really looking forward to daylight saving. I haven’t yet cooked an artichoke but I remember my mother cooking them in a large pot of boiling lemon water xx


  11. What a good reminder for ALL the wonderful things that are happening. Gotta say Im with you on the extra light too, its so awesome to feel summer is on it’s way. Super grateful for the most wonderful coast trip last weekend, time spent with family, good food, sleep ins. so lucky 🙂


  12. I’m loving that I can get a dose of sunshine and brightness from southern hemisphere blogs as we head towards autumn. I can never bring myself to cut the artichokes as I love to see them stand above the flowers in the garden. We’re almost ready to start eating Jerusalem artichokes.


  13. I just moved home after 18 months in Tasmania and I want to look at my home state of WA through the same fresh eyes I had for beautiful Tassie. I think I fell in love a little but over there but I am now determined not to take all the stunning vistas around me here for granted. Just saw kangaroos hoping past my bedroom window in Dunsbourough. Life is pretty amazing.


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