Ricotta Corn Cakes- Frugal Friday

Corn fritters were an easy staple in our household growing up. Mix them up and fry them. Simple, frugal and pretty versatile with what you ate them with. As a kid, I liked to eat them with a good dousing of tomato sauce on top. 

Corn fritters was also the first thing I taught Monkey Boy to make. It was a couple of years ago now, and Little Monkey was really sick. I was holding him, but needed to get something on the table for dinner. I asked Monkey Boy to help and between us we did it. With one free hand from me and two of his more than willing hands, we mixed and dolloped. Because of that first proper kitchen lesson several years ago, it’s still his favourite thing to help me make.

This recipe is a simple variation of the humble fritter. A lot lighter with the ricotta, and baked rather than fried. Although you could just as easily fry them if you wanted.

Simple, cheap and healthy.

Team it up with a rocking salad and some homemade chutney. Or eat cold for lunch, (dousing in tomato sauce as an optional extra.)

Ricotta Corn Cakes

1 can corn (420g)

2 beaten eggs

300g ricotta

a couple of shallots finely sliced

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander

75g s/r flour (1/2 cup)

salt to taste

Mix all together and pop in greased mini loaf pans. (Or muffin tray, patty pans, or simply fry them in a frying pan.)

Bake at 200C for approximately 30 minutes.


For everyone that took the time to comment on my post before, a huge, huge thank you. You all make this whole blogging thing such a wonderful space to be in. I felt really touched by all of your words… and I think you’re all just a bit awesome! 

21 thoughts on “Ricotta Corn Cakes- Frugal Friday

  1. I loved corn fritters when I was growing up too and yes, always had them with plenty of the red sauce. These are a great spin on the traditional corn fritter and i would like to try them – they would be a big hit around here for sure! xx


  2. Much prefer the way you baked these rather than frying them, but no tomato sauce allowed! My husband has plain tomato sauce on toast-yuck! Tomato chutney is more sophisticated, so it’s allowed, but I think these fritters would be perfect on their own 🙂


  3. Wonderful idea . I´´give them a try.
    And remembering your last post I´ll tell you that I love to read your posts and to look at your pictures.
    Don´t quit!!!!


  4. When you said corn cakes I thought of those flat, rice-cake like corn thins you can buy. These look much more impressive 🙂


  5. I love your pan – I’ll be looking for one.

    I’m going to try something with your recipe here – I’m going to sub tofu for the ricotta – should provide about the same moisture and texture, maybe some loss of richness, but even more frugal – no leavening needed with these? if you want, I’ll report back on results.


    • Doc, I love that pan too. I freed it from my mothers kitchen where it wasn’t being used 🙂
      Now I’m curious about your tofu sub, (and do let me know how it turns out.) My recipe does lift, quite a bit actually. The combination of the small amount of self raising flour and the ricotta make them quite light, and after getting them out of the oven, you can watch them slowly deflate. The tofu, maybe it would make them a bit heavier/soggier?… Let me know though, as I’m curious.


      • OK – as usual, I missed seeing the little s/r preceding the flour – sorry. Eggs also act as a leavening, and are famous for ‘deflating’ upon cooling (souffles, etc.). Yes, I shall work on this very soon – and let you know of the results – may even do it in a post – why not?


  6. Pingback: Corn and Ricotta Fritters- Frugal Friday | cityhippyfarmgirl

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