loving this week

“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE

A run of reading some wonderful books, life is too short to waste time reading a bad book. There are so many great ones to be had. This particular one, has had me laughing out loud and quietly sobbing.

Hand made dresses that have been waiting to fit.

Finally getting organised to start sewing my advent calendar. Cut, cut, sew, sew… It’s an ambitious colour palate, but I’m fingers and toes crossed hopeful.

Enjoying a coffee with Mr Chocolate in my new adored birthday cups.

Taste testing strawberry blueberry jam. It’s been so long since I made any jam. It was lovely being beside the pot, wielding my berry stained wooden spoon, testing as I went along.

If anyone else would like to do a ‘loving this week’ post, (or simply write something in the comments). Please let me know, link back to this post and I’ll do a link up. I would love to know about those little moments in your week that have tickled your heart.


Visit Kari @Bite Sized Thoughts for some moments that have tickled her heart this week.

loving this week

“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE

Getting to take photos at a friends small people party. I get such an enjoyment from taking pictures, the camera is a wonderful thing. Willing friends that let me practise on them, love that.

Making bunting. I had a gentle reminder of why the sewing machine hasn’t been dragged out much lately. My baby helper lay over my foot on the machines pedal, tugged on the bias ending as I sewed it on through, got stuck weaving herself through the chair legs, and taste tested every triangle I sewed. The sewing is definitely a little shonky, but jeez, I’m loving that I did it.

Hula Hoop workshop. Cirque du Soleil performer I am certainly not, but it was fun.

Getting to enjoy the company of my grandparents visiting, obviously I had to make a cake for the occasion.

Co sleeping and breastfeeding, it makes my life so much easier. She loves it, and is happy…which makes me happy. Love that.

A pot of chai to start the day with.

Watching these two love each others company while Monkey Boy is at school. That just makes my heart feel big in so many ways.


If anyone else would like to do a ‘loving this week’ post, (or simply write something in the comments). Please let me know, link back to this post and I’ll do a link up. I would love to know about those little moments in your week that have tickled your heart.


Have a look at Kari’s “loving this week” post on Rottnest Island– beautiful!

loving this week

“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE

loving this week

some seasonal strawberries still trickling through

regifted wool stashes, not by one but two people this week

meeting up with my Wednesday group mama’s

feeling incredibly lucky as a blog reader sent me a picture of her precious, precious newborn

reading about my very own newborn- our homebirth story in a magazine

eating seasonal food that feels good for the soul

listening to Little Monkey enthusiastically sing a Spice Girls song walking down the street (where did he get THAT from? said Mr Chocolate…ahem, no idea.)

spending the whole afternoon taking funny pictures with our little family

experimenting with a quinoa and rhubarb pudding and liking the results

starting the school holidays with popcorn, smiles and a deep exhalation


If anyone else would like to do a ‘loving this week’ post, (or simply write something in the comments). Please let me know, link back to this post and I’ll do a link up. I would love to know about those little moments in your week that have tickled your heart.


she of 108 days- loving this week… San Francisco

Alison@this blooming life- loving

loving this week

morning yoga



Loving this week

When packages that were long since given up on with knitted goodies from distant great-grandmothers and birthday presents for young cowboys finally turn up. I adore my grandmother’s knitting and I’m very aware that having a grandmother in her 80’s being able to knit beautiful clothing for my little baby daughter is indeed a very, very special thing.

Loving the shift in energy this week. One side is still tired, too busy, and with an aching back, but that’s not a very exciting side. The other side is an untapped creative well that has been fun to dip in to whenever a free moment has presented itself. Little Monkey wanting to tell me a story for half an hour was the perfect opportunity to be relatively still while I listened intently and crocheted for my Wednesday group.

Breathing in the ocean air. Crystal clear winter waters, that make you want to swim and splash like a mermaid.

Watching Monkey Boy come back from a new class. A class that I had held my breath through the duration in the hope that he would love it and he wouldn’t turn into a bundle of frozen nerves. Holding my breath seemed to have worked as his excitement afterwards was through the roof. Oh boy, that was a proud mama moment.

Listening to overhead black cockatoos make their dawn journey back to the park. Their lingering calls to each other crossing the skies as the sun creeps up.

“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE

If anyone else would like to do a ‘loving this week’ post, (or simply write something in the comments). Please let me know, link back to this post and I’ll do a link up. I would love to know about those little moments in your week that have tickled your heart.


Some other lovely bloggers who have taken a minute to breathe in those beautiful moments.

Christine @ Slow Living Essentials

Kim @The Little Black Cow Blog

Gina @ ZazaSeaCow

Racheal @ Maven in Training

thoughts from the weekend

cold winter beach with coloured skies

the pinks, blues and greys draw Little Monkey in

what goes on in that little three year old mind?

when all he wants to do is stand and watch the ocean

is it the magic of the water drawing him in?

or is it a snapshot preview of years to come?

wetsuit zipped up, surf board in hand, watching the sets roll in.

warm snuggles with my girl on cold days

quiet reading with Monkey Boy, (Wind in the Willows is serious business)

a visit from my midwife,

will there ever come a time when there isn’t a golden glow around the door way when she appears?

I don’t think so

sipped hot drinks with Mr Chocolate

and conversations that poke, prod and pull at dreams.

thoughts of how disgusting this lingering cough sounds from the beast virus that felled four of our family

to the untrained ear I’ve either been smoking 4 packs a day for the past 20 years or have contagious stamped all over me

it’s neither, but denial seems futile.

and cheesy toast, oh cheesy toast

how is it  you taste so good?

sourdough, cheese, grill it, a grind of black pepper

you can keep your packet junk foods,

cheesy toast is where it’s at


what’s happening in your weekend?


Spiced Hot Chocolate

hot milk frothed up in a coffee plunger

pinch of cardamom

a shake of cinnamon

enough squares of chocolate to keep you happy, drop them in

sipped with satisfaction

loving this week

each bead representing it's own beautiful birth

Loving this week…

after bed time meet ups for coffee and cake with my girls

crossing things off lists

rediscovering cooking tasty food, (I had lost my mojo, but Friday saw it swinging back)

my internet connection coming back… I feel human again

wonderful visits from my wonderful midwife

knowing that my time is close… knowing that so many women have gone before me with their own birth journey, and are now sending that love on to me for my journey

Saturday morning cafe visit…chai tea. In a pot…and the paper

soothing massages from hands that know just what to do

early morning walks with the sun rising over misty grounds

giggles with The Monkeys and

chuckles with Mr Chocolate


What have you been loving this week?