thankful for being a mama



cityhippyfarmgirl Today is Mother’s Day.

A day I’m incredibly grateful to be able to celebrate. Not only as a mother but also celebrating my own mother.

Years ago I wondered whether I would ever get the chance to be a mother. I hoped and wished. Shed tears when I wasn’t, shed tears when I was. An incredibly journey, that has brought every known emotion along with it.

Today I’m thankful for my children for allowing me to experience every single one of those emotions. As without it, I’d be a completely different person, and certainly not for the better.

I’m thankful for my other mama friends who are always such a wonderful source of support. Friendships that are so rarely properly acknowledged, and yet those tiny moments, those meet ups, those conversations, those coffees… have the ability to completely change a day. Hours of tantrums, tears, lost shoes, and late school times- forgotten in the space of a minute with a softly placed hand on your arm, a knowing smile and a ready laugh.

A few days before, I was asked what I wanted to do on Mother’s Day. I wanted nothing flashy, nothing fluffy. No arguments, and yelling. I wanted a slow morning, filled with pancakes and biscuits. Hand drawn cards, sitting next to deep pots of chai, surrounded by the ones I loved the very most.

I wanted to take them all in, count their little toes and fingers as I had done on the day they were born. I wanted to read stories, play games, dance in the lounge room. I wanted snuggles on the couch and kisses at the table. I wanted a slow day, to enjoy everything I truly loved about being a mother. That’s what I really wanted to do.

(And after all that. I wanted to sneak off, to go sit in a café, nurse a luke warm coffee…. while they all cooked dinner.)

Happy Mother’s Day Mama’s, you do a truly amazing job.


Biscuit recipe is from SBS Food Safari- Plum Jam Biscuits and they were delicious!