St Ives Medieval Faire…so good

St Ives Medieval Fair

Battles, jousting, traditional living, swords, birds of prey, there was quite a lot to love at the St Ives Medieval Faire. For someone who has no made no secret of a love of all things Viking and Nordic influenced, well, there was quite an excited lead up to this one.

Located on the edge of the Ku-ring-gai National Park, the festival was running for the second year, and despite a rainy start, it didn’t keep people away. Mud splattered boots and sodden velvet gowns just adding to the medieval atmosphere.

The festival had a fascinating traditional village that was made of different re-enactment or living history groups from all around Australia. Living, eating, dressing, and crafting as they once did.

Ahh, all so interesting…and so good! With the smell of soft wood smoke in our hair, leather cuffs on our wrists and happy tired smiles on faces. There were vows of returning next year for another Medieval Faire, well how could we not?

St Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval FairSt Ives Medieval Fair

24 thoughts on “St Ives Medieval Faire…so good

  1. Gah! Such beautiful photos, especially the simmering pots and shields! What a hoot. Have always loved the idea of those fairs, especially the eating! Have been secretly yearning to visit Kryal Castle for yonks (replica medieval castle just out of Melbourne). You have me all inspired again…


  2. Totally loved this post, I think it was the black and white photos, just so appropriate. I sadlyboften just skim through many blogs at times but thus one drew me in..thanks
    🙂 🙂


  3. I almost can’t believe what I am seeing…on our own soil! Fantastic photos Brydie. It sounds like an incredible event. I was blown away just checking out the website with the details of the program, medieval feast and artisan village. It would of been amazing to of been there.


    • Zena I know Canberra isn’t particularly close to you, and it would be on a much smaller scale but if you google, medieval reenactment canberra there is a whole bunch of groups that pop up, maybe something of interest in there? Otherwise, next year…plan it 🙂


  4. “The Normans are coming!” At least it wasn’t the Vikings. Doesn’t that man look perfectly “right” on that horse? I am thinking he is perfect “King Richard” material. Excellent images and well covered ma’am.


  5. I was invited to this event but was unable to attend due to it falling on the weekend of my daughter’s 21st birthday party. Had to have my focus elsewhere! Your images have captured the day beautifully xx


  6. Excellent photos! You captured one of our Medieval Archery Society archers from behind! (Which, truth be told, is probably his best side!) Glad that you enjoyed the Faire! Hope that you had a chance to shoot on the archery range? If not, do next year! Archery is some of the best fun available!


  7. Pingback: The Viking ball game of Knattleikr | cityhippyfarmgirl

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