Inspiration from the sea

morning || cityhippyfarmgirlI wrote a little while ago on how I could easily start another blog on all things of the sea. All those salty thoughts? Yes, they are still piling up and for this post, I have nothing but inspiration come from it.

Utterly inspired.

(I’ve written before of two of these links before, but indulge me, it’s so very worth it.)

morning time || cityhippyfarmgirl

beach || cityhippyfarmgirl

Emily Richmond, solo sailor, making her way around the world in a tiny yacht since 2010. C grade media celebrities be damned, this is a woman worthy of looking up to… Bobbie Rounds the World.


Mother Tongue Knowledge: Sri Lanka- A beautiful truly inspiring adventure of a life time, oh yes indeed. He’s just finished (and reached!) a crowd funding project.

Great Ocean Quarterly– where adventures can be taken in your favourite seat, looking out at your favourite view. Bliss.

waiting for the moon to rise || cityhippyfarmgirl

Tell me about some of your salty thoughts or wanders lately.


21 thoughts on “Inspiration from the sea

  1. Oh your photos are just gorgeous and very inspiring Brydie! I am having salty thoughts now! I have just returned back to the house from our sheep yards delivery morning smoko to the workers. Men, sheep and sheep dogs were all swirling in clouds of fine, red dust which always makes me think of the clean, invigorating sea.

    I hope we can get to the coast soon. In the meantime, your photos are a perfect escape x


  2. Gorgeous photos Brydie! You capture the beach and the sea so beautifully. I think it would be wonderful to have a blog about all things sea related. You could call it “Salty”! x


  3. If I could live beside the sea, I would be happy forever. There’s just something about the sound of the waves, the light on the water and sand between my toes. Thanks for sharing the links, Brydie!


  4. Too busy digging holes and filling them to stop and sniff the salt but it’s always there and something constant in our lives. I LOVE that second shot! Gorgeous motion blur on the water. Awesome shot 🙂


  5. Brydie, your pics are amazing. I just loved this post. Made your salty thoughts question pop right into my mind….. going cruisin’ with my Mom again in late December for 2 blissful weeks. There is something truly special being out at sea where the air is clean & sunrise & sunsets take on a whole new meaning. Cannot wait.


  6. I have never lived close to the ocean, but visited two coasts this summer. I climbed along the cool, rocky coast of Maine, digging my toes into the coarse, dark sand. Then I waded into the Texas Gulf Coast. There was an abundance of seaweed and spring breakers and it made me miss Maine.


  7. Beautiful beach images, Brydie. I have a friend who should do a blog about the sea as everyday she walks down to the beach and takes images and posts them on FB and Instagram. She’s very passionate about it. I love living close to the ocean as I think staring out at sea is terribly therapeutic xx


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