Eat Local Challenge #3

corn and chilli || cityhippyfarmgirl

corn || cityhippyfarmgirlCorn, chilli and lime.

It’s a cracker of a combination, and that’s a known fact. But the issue was I needed a little butter or something like it to get the finely chopped chilli to stick onto the corn. I didn’t have any and refused to step outside my Eat Local Challenge so I was left with…

1/ squeeze the lime juice on the corn and nibble delicate little pieces of chilli off at each mouthful…hmmm, not a great idea. I like my food hot but these little chillies are quite beastly on their own.

2/ I could finely, finely chop them and roll the corn in it, hoping some would stick.

3/ I could delicately drape the chilli over the corn, admire the contrasting colours and then push my hot little garnish to the side. Yep, I’ll do that. (On thinking later, I should have cut the chilli and gently rubbed it over the corn cob. It would have given the bites a little zing, but not the kick in the pants that a big one would have given.)

So with the corn sorted, what did I have left? While I do love corn, there still needed to be a little something else to the plate.

Eat Local challenge || cityhippyfarmgirlTo avoid a line up of wrinkled noses and pouty lips I didn’t bother serving this one to the rest of the family. Brussel sprouts is an acquired taste it seems and every one in this household? Well, they haven’t acquired it yet.

So what’s on the menu and where is it from?

Brussel sprouts- Kurrawong Organics, Kirkconnel (175km)

Radishes- Rita’s Farm, Kemp’s Creek (50km)

Granny Smith Apple- from Orange

Sheep’s Curd- Willowbrae, Chevre Cheese– Wilberforce.

Olive Oil- Lisborne Grove, Hunter Valley

Eat Local challenge|| cityhippyfarmgirl


How about you? Interested in taking the challenge?

Just how local is local? Well this depends entirely on you. Only you know how you and your family eat. Raise the bar just a little from what you already do. If making sure the majority of your meal includes solely food produced in your country, than make that your challenge. If you want to make it a little trickier, go for produced in the same state…trickier still within 160km.

My aim is to really know where my food is coming from for at least one meal a month, (where I will be posting here in the last week of the month).

For Eat Local Challenge #1 see here.

For Eat Local Challenge #2 see here.

eat local challenge || cityhippyfarmgirl

26 thoughts on “Eat Local Challenge #3

    • Don’t cook them all the way through Flick, just a little and keep that green and crunch I think is the go. Cooked until they’re grey which unfortunately seems to be a common occurrence is ….blah.


      • It think that is perhaps what I must have experienced as a youngster!! I have memories of soggy grey blobs alongside my baked potatoes and lamb!


  1. I love, love, love Brussels sprouts!! I would’ve devoured that salad you made Brydie! As for butter… could you have made your own using local cream? I’ve attempted butter-making a couple of times in my kitchen now and it surprised me as to how easy it was! I think I would’ve grated the lime zest and put the chopped chilli into homemade butter and slathered it over the corn cob. But not having butter… argh, I get the dilemma completely! I think your garnish/rub idea was what I would’ve gone with also. I want to join you on next month’s Eat Local challenge. I intended to do this month actually, but completely forgot. Argh. It’s such a great initiative xxx


    • I could have Laura, but then I start wondering down the murky laneway of that seems like rather a lot of effort for a considerably small outcome. Bigger batches, you betcha, but just for my corn? Nah.
      (And happy to have you jump on board whenever you feel inclined Ms Laura.)


  2. Such vibrant colours with the corn and chilli. You could cut off the kernels to mix with the chilli and lime juice. It sounds a delicious combination.
    We eat a winter salad of shredded raw Brussels sprouts and leeks mixed with chopped dried apricots, apples and walnuts dressed with a lemon/oil dressing. Raw sprouts are surprisingly good.


  3. I’d have joined you with the sprouts B., and eaten more than my fair share of the corn too 🙂

    On the topic of chillies, I was lazy with chopping the other night and cut one a bit bigger than usual. I ate what I thought was a piece of capsicum plain, and it turned out to be chilli. My mouth took most of the night to recover. I think you made the right choice in not putting chilli chunks on the corn 😉


  4. My mother used to cook corn cobs for us and served them up as a complete meal! We didn’t have any ‘sides’ to go with it. I’ve always loved corn on the cob and I think lime and chilli go beautifully, (although I am a bit partial to butter as well!) Gorgeous images xx


  5. That salad looks so vibrant and crunchy, just delicious. We are brussel sprout fans but I sautee them with shallots in a bit of stock until soft and add pine nuts and sprinkling of marjoram.


  6. i’d be sitting at the kid’s table for this meal – I’m not a fan of brussel sprouts (actually just had my first ones at Thanksgiving this past year) or radishes (they are pretty, but they remind me of turnips, and who likes those?) I know – what an adventurous vegetarian I am!


  7. Nope, cant handle sprouts, not even a little bit. As a kid I used to chew them a few times and stuff them behind my dads recliner. They still have that same affect on me. LOL! Great pics tho, you make them look tastier than they are. 🙂


  8. Pingback: Carrot Top Pesto -ELC #5 | cityhippyfarmgirl

  9. Pingback: Pumpkin and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup- ELC #6 | cityhippyfarmgirl

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  13. Pingback: Rosemary, Thyme and Zucchini Bread- ELC#10 | cityhippyfarmgirl

  14. Pingback: Eat Local Challenge- The End | cityhippyfarmgirl

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