kale rice salad- Frugal Friday

Funny how an- uh oh what am I’m going to make for dinner moment (the fridge was looking particularly slim pickings) turns into a wow, I think I’ll make that again moment.

Yep, it was one of those times.

Kale Rice Salad

some cooked brown rice

a couple of good slurps of olive oil

2 chopped shallots

bunch of finely chopped new kale leaves (older stems will be too chewy raw)

1/2 can of corn

a good squeeze of lime juice

salt and pepper to taste

mix it all together and serve at room temperature… or hot… or cold.

24 thoughts on “kale rice salad- Frugal Friday

  1. what a lovely quick rice salad. so fresh and tasty. and the lemon juice always brings out wonderfully the flavors.


  2. I’ve noticed the same thing – fewest key ingredients you have, most inspired the dish. I have a theory. I think a lot of cooking is “overelaborated”. With so many options, we think we have to use them all, at once! Restraint lets the key ingredient – the kale here – shine through. And I still have some kale in the garden. yum,


    • I agree with your theory Linda most whole heartedly. If the ingredients are in season, preferably local (no cold storage for ages), the dish doesn’t have to be complicated. The taste of the simple ingredients makes an average sounding meal taste ridiculously tasty…saying that, I was still surprised at this one.


  3. This is a great recipe for a Friday. I have a bag of Cavalo Nero from my allotment and now I know what to do with it tonight! Jean, Brisbane


    • Hmm, I definitely don’t grow it in my teeny tiny pots (although that would be lovely). I’m lucky to have a wonderful local stall holder that grows all her produce in western Sydney, and she has loads of kale…saying that, I do also see it in my local fruit and vege shop as well.
      Hope you can find some Kari, it’s a really versatile vegetable.


  4. Ah, that’s a nice play-able recipe even if I don’t have kale to hand at the moment, I can think of lots of other veg that will work. Thank you!

    BTW, I made your asparagus/capsicum recipe of last Friday that Friday night. The haloumi was a winner with it.


    • From what I understand there are a few different kinds of kale, and yes the one I’ve been playing with is either Tuscan kale or cavalo nero (which I’m pretty sure is same thing.) Ravioli stuffed kale?… delicious indeed.


  5. I just can’t get my head around kale. P and I love greens and veg, but neither of us like it. I wonder if I’m doing something wrong when preparing it. It’s so tough!

    That frugal plate of food looks simply delicious. I’m about to fry up some nearly-going-spongy mushrooms with a bit of crème fraîche on toast. Yummy. Waste not, want not!


    • Misk I wonder whether you’ve been cooking with another variety like the curly kale. The first time I cooked with that one and even after a looong time cooking it was still an olympic event getting through it. If you google tuscan kale images as compared to curly kale you can see one looks a bit tougher. (Still tasty, but needs to be cooked longer and/or the stalks avoided.)


  6. That looks great! The best meals are often the ones in which we are throwing together what we have in the fridge or cupboard without a preconceived plan or recipe.


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