the odd week that was

What an odd week it’s been.

Full of twists and turns.

A week now ending with a shudder and a shake.

Like a clapped out old kombie, driving into park for the last time.

This week, Little Monkey has his legs back. The cast came off early. Which was a bit of a lovely surprise. Xrays showed he was healing well, and after 4 weeks in a double hip spica and nearly a week in traction, he was free. Free. He’s going to have jelly legs for a while and will probably take as long as he was off those legs to get back on them, but… he has legs again.

Goodbye Captain Redlegs, hello Captain….Skinny Whitelegs?

Then he got sick the day after the cast came off.

Happiness and love was sent to me in an envelope.

I lost my house keys.

Someone found my house keys in a shop and I got them back.

Went to a friends wonderful art exhibition opening.

Lost my wallet on the street.

Got my wallet back due to two kind strangers finding and returning it home.

Good news from a friend.

Bad news from another friend.

I made a fish bread.*

…and it was delicious.


What’s been happening in your week?

* Using the ever versatile olive oil yeasted dough. To get the scaly look, just use scissors. Now how easy is that.


37 thoughts on “the odd week that was

  1. Beautiful bread! Mind if I try it?
    Yay for Captain Skinny Whitelegs!
    And how wonderful is the goodness of strangers?!
    Odd your week may have been- but among the pluses and minuses I think you came out slightly ahead?


  2. great news about little monkey’s legs – so glad they are healing well – and that fish bread is so gorgeous – sounds like quite a week – glad the keys and wallet found their way back to you – there are so wonderful people in this world


  3. What a week you have had – how wonderful that your little one is out of the cast early and how good to hear that there are still decent people in the world who are honest. Yay.
    My week has been very boring in comparison to yours.
    šŸ™‚ Mandy


  4. It sounds like we’ve had similar weeks! I guess they ward of boredom…and the positives can seem all the more positive for the negatives. But on balance I think I’d take a regular boring week :-/

    I’m really glad your son has free legs again – very good news!


  5. A very twisty, turney week! So glad to hear Little Monkey’s legs are his again and unconfined. What bliss that must be for him.

    A busy week here with end of term activities and social gatherings. Two weeks of kids at home now and sleep-ins, not rushing in the car and NO lunchboxes! Hooray.

    Beautiful bread, Bryds. šŸ™‚
    (sorry, that slipped out, is it ok for me to call you that sometimes?)


  6. My goodness. You must be glad to see the back of that one.
    Great news about your son. Must be wonderful to see him up and about again.
    Love the fish bread.
    Mine was hectic too. It was so lovely to have a quite one over the weekend.


  7. Hey hey hey! It’s a sunshiney day! Great news, joy unconfined (and leglings too!) – and what a fabuloso looking bread there. Hedgehogs, fishes, scaley snakes, ooh just think of the breads one could make with a pair of snippers.

    xxx Joanna


  8. “I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers…” At least the world has some nice people…I remember when my little boy got his leg back from a break…he used to say “I’m wobbly like a monster…”


  9. What a beautiful post. I hope little Monkey appreciates his newfound freedom. I can’t believe it’s been four weeks. How time flies. I never tire of hearing good samaritan stories. Just wonderful. Bet you’re relieved.


  10. Hooray for monkey getting his legs back!
    How good does the fish bread look too. I’m impressed.
    I have some sunflower seeds for you. Please email me your address so I can pop them in the post. kittyspeer(at)gmail(dot)com.
    Have a lovely week.


  11. HOORAY!!!! Fantastic news about the little legs ready to run and jump and lead you on a merry chase šŸ™‚
    So wonderful that your keys and purse were returned, there are lovely people in the world after all.


  12. That bread is an inspiration – did you fill it with a trout pate and smother it in a white sauce? Definitely one for my menu too – would like to make a duck methinks!

    The kindness and consideration of others – such wonderful, unexpected gestures amidst what can feel like a big annonymous city. So happy that you had multiple experiences of it.

    I hope you and all yours are smiling, and that your friend with the bad news will be ok.


  13. Good news about little monkey, although completely unfair he should get sick. And how lovely to have lost two such valuable things and then have them returned. It’s quite rare to get a week of unalloyed joy I find, but there’s usually something to feel good about.


  14. Such contrasts. We can always hope the good ones outweigh the bad ones, and so it goes like a less than well coordinated ballet, from week to week. I love that you ended it with fish bread. Making bread is the smell of motherly care, safe harbors and … bread. It’s all things good. In a fish – amazing. You write so beautifully and I get so inspired.


  15. Pingback: how to make bread, for the person who thinks they can’t…but really they can « Cityhippyfarmgirl

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