happy moments

Lots of lovely happy moments this week.

Getting caught in a quick Autumn storm.

Unwrapping boxes sent to me from kind friends and kind chefs.

Wearing earrings bought from Lilac and Snow for the QLD Relief Auction, that every time I put them on, it jump starts the happy again. I love these little earrings to bits.

No one is sick. Little Monkey is healing and his pain is a lot better.

Reinterpreting old classics. Did you know one of the three bears nearly fell into his bowl of porridge?

Restoring dinner with girlfriends.

Super star kind friends who cook extra and drop off multiple meals.

Arm and toe dancing with Little Monkey to chunky guitar music cranked up way too loud.

What happy moments have you had this week?

37 thoughts on “happy moments

  1. That is just the most wonderful, cheery post.
    My big girl came home from camp and had a ball, I cooked a gazillion quinces, we started harvesting carrots at long last, my middle girl wrote me a love letter, we harvested lots of honey and ,my little girl woke me up every single morning bny whispering ‘i love you’ in my ear. X


  2. Lovely earring! And I love the finger puppet – thank you for generating smiles here!

    Happies this week? It’s been a bit stressful, but my yellow double tulips are almost out, the ones with the green edges that are big and blousy and show offy gorgeous, I take a peek every so often to see how they’re doing and the greeness everywhere is very happy promoting. xx Joanna


    • Sorry to hear it’s been a stressful week for you Joanna. Maybe you need a pair of blue earrings as well?
      I think I would be peeking on your flowers as well…are they out, are they out…what about now? Patience is not my strongest quality.


  3. Lovely moments – cheerful photos – love seeing that little foot that is on the mend having some happy moments – tonight my happy moment was seeing sylvia in her new (first) dressing gown sitting with us on the couch watching her tv show – such a big girl


  4. I’ve had one of the worst weeks ever in a long time. Drama after drama after drama. I’m glad for you though. Life is full of ups and downs. Just a bit of a downer right now. Sorry to offload, but you did ask.


  5. Happiness is contagious! And can be found in retrospect, even when the moment has passed so quickly.
    This week I got to hold many babies of young women that I have mentored in the past! Very gratifying and joyful.
    We acquired a new grandson by adoption! And celebrated with good and loving friends.
    I’m glad you had a good week. And I love the pictures of your happy little earring and your little monkey’s healing foot/leg.
    Good post,


  6. Happiness for me is all about connections with others and ourselves, as you yourself seem to have summarised. And there been many wonderful incidences of these connections this past week including our little weekend food foray on Saturday. To which I may add, happiness can also just be opening your fridge and seeing an alluring parcel of sustainably reared off-the-bone ham!


  7. Glad Little Monkey is on the mend and things are feeling brighter for you again. I had lots of happy moments at the weekend, mostly do do with spring beauty, lovely weather, getting our plot sorted out and baking a cake for Mother’s Day and another for a friends 3 yr old.


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