chai and raindrops

Looking out at the fat rain drops quickly soaking my washing on the line. I was thinking two things. One, well that was a really bad call. Apparently it wasn’t going to fine up and the washing would not be ok to put out as I had confidently told Mr Chocolate. Two, how can a man with just a slight raise of the eyebrow say so many things, namely… I told you so, so easily?

Actually make it three… how do those raindrops get so big?

It’s been a bit of a tiring week.

There has been a lot of comfort taken in that green tea cup filled with chai this week. The dangling tea infuser is one of those little things that I enjoy filling and then quietly plopping it into hot water. Watching the water slowly change colour. A tiny thing where it’s as much about the process as it is the taste.

It’s a warm hug in a tea cup.

A double hip spica cast on a 2 year old is not fun. A double hip spica cast on a 2 year old, that is still getting pain and muscle spasming constantly is not fun. It’s also not fun when he gets a rip roaring virus on top of that, which sends him back to Emergency and with high temperatures for days on end.

Counting down the days until I see the skin of my boy’s little legs again.

I’m looking forward to easter, as that’s when those little legs should be showing again. Looking forward to seeing his little legs run around looking for tiny chocolate eggs in a garden. Temperatures will be gone, cast will be gone, and Mama should have some terribly well toned biceps from carrying the not so Little Monkey around.


19 thoughts on “chai and raindrops

  1. You’re sounding a little down. On the other hand, you also seem to be able to appreciate what is ahead and the image of your little boy running around and looking for eggs in the garden is a lovely one to hold onto. Chin up.


  2. It is amazing the comfort you can get from a cup of tea. Just for that moment, everything is alright.
    The washing will eventually dry so try not to worry about that. Think of it as an extra rinse.
    Poor little Monkey and poor monkey’s Mum.
    Keep drinking tea.


  3. Oh, no, so not good… hoping you have the strength to keep up the positive attitude… and enough chocolate and chai to get you through when you don’t.

    Thinking of your little monkey…


  4. mums don’t get enough kudos. Your children are lucky to have you as their mum.

    oh. and can you invite me over for tea so I can steal your little tea infuser. it’s so adorable.


  5. Keep on sipping that chai, dear girl. I cannot imagine how it must be having a youngster going through this. Warm hugs in a tea cup sound like just what you need right now xx


  6. Huge massive hugs for you and Little Monkey, you’re doing it tough at the moment I know, we’re all thinking of you and enjoy those cuddles with Little Monkey before he’s off and running again xoxo


  7. Ah Brydie. Life can be so hard. And seeing our little ones hurt and in pain hurts so very much. Take comfort where you can- I’m glad the chai and the moments surrounding it are working for you.

    and- I love the rather philosophical treatise on the rain falling down on your wash. The lifted eyebrow was a perfect image at the end. I have so been there, except my husband doesn’t raise an eyebrow- he rushes into the rain and presents me with VERY wet laundry to deal with. I’d so much rather the eyebrow and going for a second rinse.


  8. The day will come when you all sit around that cup of tea and look back on this high drama with humor – and you all realize that these experiences were the building blocks of emotional strength for life – and the tea was essential too.


  9. Brydie, I’m so sorry to hear that your Little Monkey is still struggling – a virus on top of everything else seems very unfair for all of you.
    Perhaps a little slug of gin in your tea will help? Only once everyone is fed and bedded down for the night, of course!


  10. On the upside sweet lady, leaving washing on the line when it is raining is actually really good for your clothes, some sort of chemical reaction or something, actually really cleans the cloths. 🙂
    Sorry your still feeling down Brydie. Im with Amanda, a splash of the hard stuff in your tea might help. Hugs to you! XXX


  11. Everyone- thank you for such kind comments. I’m touched and really feel lucky to be part of such a great blogging community.
    Tomorrow is another day, Little Monkey is slowly getting there, there will still be chai….
    and that washing is still looking soggy on the line.


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