Must have gut lovin’ goodness list

We are looking at take two of the ‘viral beast’ coming for a visit round these parts. It’s not an exciting visit, and to be honest I’m a bit miffed that the beast is back so quickly after the last time. Seriously the first round of coughs hadn’t even subsided properly.

However, it is what it is. Long naps, slow days, spluttery nights and afternoon sun snuggles…lock ’em in.

One afternoon when a run for provisions was needed I found myself in a chemist running through the symptoms with a sympathetic ear. A range of suggestions was given, including what I can only describe as a lengthy upsell. Which was all met with a no, I’ll just take the initial product please.

In a last ditch attempt, the sympathetic ear/ upseller went in to a long monologue about how probiotics are really important, encouraging good bacteria in our gut, and in turn ensuring a balanced immune system. I nodded, agreeing. Yes we have a lot of fermented food in our home for that very reason, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, sourdough etc etc. Intially she looked at me blankly, then followed that up with a raised eyebrow that said, sure continue on with your fluffy hippy woo woo stuff lady. When you are ready for the proper stuff come back to the chemist.

(She might be waiting awhile.)


Must have gut lovin’ goodness list in times like this?

Sourdough– make your own, or buy someone else’s. The basis of every easy meal at the moment.

Sauerkraut– make a big batch and always have it at the back of the fridge. This stuff goes with everything.

Kimchi- this is being eaten twice a day, every day and I credit my not being invited to round two of the ‘viral beast’ because of it’s garlicky, chilli infused fermented goodness. Possibly a placebo effect, but hey, it remains a damn tasty one.

Kombucha– every day goodness, yes please.

Fire Cider– knocked back with an enthusiasm unmatched since shooters in the late 90’s.

Beetroot Kvass– It’s certainly beety, and also up there with one of the easiest to try your hand at if you are new to fermenting.

Ginger Beer-  This stuff will put hairs on your chest.

11 thoughts on “Must have gut lovin’ goodness list

  1. What is actually hilarious is that probiotics were once seen as hippy, woo woo stuff, and now that they are an accepted mainstream medicine, chemists ‘own’ them. And, using fermented foods for gut health is hardly new either…get better soon!


  2. Finally mainstream society are on to probiotics and yeh those products are really good and worth buying after antibiotics. Especially if their diet has no fermented foods at all. But we are still waiting for mainstream peeps to catch up on traditional fermented food that has existed forever and still practiced in many places around the world. You should of recommended the mag you write for!


  3. Every Sunday morning I look forward to your post.
    Many many times the ideas, the humour, the earthiness, pulls me out if a dark place.


    • Oh Grace thank you for taking the time to write that. Blogging is a curious thing and sometimes you wonder why. Ultimately though it’s the connections that are made, the space created for ideas to flow, flourish or simply just plonked somewhere, and given a home. If ever those (quite often waffly) words resonate with someone, well that makes me extraordinarily happy. And any ability to help in a tiny way of pulling a reader out of a dark spot, well I’m happy to help… See you next Sunday 🙂


  4. hahaha what a classic! I’ll take the hippy woo woo stuff any day. A much tastier journey to feeling better. I hope you win the bug war. Viral beast round 2 sounds sucky! xx


    • It is! Although on the upside they are now well enough for me to spend a couple of hours outside (relatively uninterrupted) gardening while they cough and splutter attached to a screen inside. Silver lining and all that.


  5. Interesting isn’t it Brydie? How about row upon row of chemist shelves lined with protein powders and shakes and substances…I don’t even know what that stuff is. Huge drums of it? It all feels so manufactured and weird. Anyway, sourdough is still high on the list at our place but I need to investigate some of your other gut goodness suggestions. Happy, healthy holidays to you x


  6. Pingback: Loving…sea mist, weeds and odd hats | cityhippyfarmgirl

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