Who gives a crap?

Last year we started getting this toilet paper. It’s good, it feels good buying it. And I don’t just mean on our bums either.

I mean it feels good for my soul buying it. I’m doing something, that is right and just. Something that helps so many others, just by me taking some control over where my purchasing dollars are going to.

Who Gives A Crap

I certainly do. That’s why I buy it

As an added bonus, the individually wrapped rolls are the start of 100 kinds of crafty hours. Whether it’s for you or your small people. I tell you, the different ways in which to play with empty toilet rolls, tissue paper, and a large box is limitless, (only limited by your imagination of course.)

At our house they’ve been made into binoculars, bowling essentials, flowers, people, they were briefly wrapped as presents last Christmas (yes, I so went there.) Pinhole camera accessories were lots of fun and more robots than I care to count. Kids don’t need expensive battery operated plastic toys to play. They need a box of toilet paper…that’s all, I’m sure of it.


How about you? Have you used this company before, have you thought about it?

Do you Give a Crap?

the green noticeboard || cityhippyfarmgirl

32 thoughts on “Who gives a crap?

  1. We’ve just bought our first box. I love that I don’t have to go to the grocery shop to get it. I love the good they’re doing and I look forward to Elliot being a bit bigger, so we can start doing craft projects with the packaging. Love it!


  2. We get an organic box and beyond organic meat box so this is my next thing to cross of our simple living list. My friend made my big kid Christmas bon bon crackers with toilet rolls one year. She put second hand cars in there and wrapped them in newspaper. The big kid talks about it every year since:)


    • That’s a good friend Zena. On a Christmas note, my sister and I did a toy swap with our kids last year. Nothing spent but all toys new to them…worked beautifully! (I think some bonbons need to be added in there though!)


  3. Yes yes yes! I have bought this from our local wholefoods shop. I hadn’t thought to buy it by the box. Such a great idea!!! Yesterday I bought recycled toilet paper from the supermarket and I was annoyed that they didn’t have the one with them wrapped in paper, only plastic. I’ll be checking this out Brydie. Thank you xxoo


  4. Never heard of this company but they look interesting – I have been frustrated by the options at the supermarket lately so will consider it.

    Love toilet rolls for craft – we have done lots with our – octopuses, binoculars, telescopes, castles, and my favourite was the four main characters from the wizard of oz! Kids are pretty good at making their own fun – am sure there are many toy manufacturers who don’t want to believe it.


  5. I love this company. Not only do they produce a great quality recycled product and run an ethical organisation – they deliver really quickly too! My local Woolies no longer stocks the recycled toilet paper wrapped in paper – so the only option was plastic wrapped rolls. I was so happy to discover Who Gives a Crap earlier in the year. Another reason to avoid the big supermarkets. Yay!


  6. LOVE Who Gives A Crap – have been buying their loo paper for a year or so now. Affordable, ethical, quick delivery, profits fund worthy projects in third world countries, pretty (and recyclable) packaging – beats supermarket loo paper hands down !


  7. Well for heaven’s sake! I give a crap too Brydie so I’ve just put my money where my bum will be, thank you so much for this link. I shall spread the word.

    BTW my little dog Big Bill loves loo paper tubes, when he comes inside from chewing a bone he picks up a loo roll to chew. Also EFTPOS tubes from the shop — we call him “Winston Churchill” when he has one of those in his mouth, it looks just like a miniature cigar.


  8. I love them! I organised it for our share house – it’s super easy having it delivered – we all just chip in a couple of bucks a month. Such a great company! I haven’t really been so crafty with the rolls and papers though…just ripping them up and composting them 🙂


  9. We have those binoculars too and many other craft projects besides. My kids always had a blast playing in boxes – the best was when I had a new washing machine delivered! xx


  10. We have been buying “green” toilet paper for the past 5 years. We started ordering it in bulk when the company we worked at placed their corporate order – the price is a 96 count box, so we only have to buy it about once a year! People joke about using recycled toilet paper, but I think that incorporating sustainable practices into all aspects of your life is important.


  11. Pingback: taking stock | cityhippyfarmgirl

  12. I have been reading your blog ever since I found your link in a magazine in an obscure library! I was hooked after reading your sourdough story and a culture will be started very soon in this house (I am successfully growing kefir grains, so sourdough culture can’t be too much more of a responsibility!!!). And now I loved your blog. This is seriously the best toilet paper ever…ever since I saw the TED talk I was a convert and have been proclaiming the love ever since! Wonderful to read you are too! Thanks for your honest earthy words and inspiring recipes. Shonah 🙂


    • Shonah that’s such a lovely comment to read. Really, it’s people like you that make me keep writing….really lovely. Thank you.
      (As for sourdough culture, super easy, and definitely not as needy as kefir grains, if you can do them, you can do sourdough! 🙂


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