this weekend…is on pause

cityhippyfarmgirl cityhippyfarmgirl cityhippyfarmgirl

Easter long weekend,

and everything is slipping into ‘go slow’.

I’m not hurrying, I’m not clock watching and I may well dissolve completely into those magazine pages at some point.

Spelt hot cross buns have been made,

the beach is whispering,

and if someone offers to make me a second coffee? Well I might just say yes.

That’s how this weekend is rolling, and everything else in life?

…is on pause.


When the Night Comes- by Favel Parrett: wonderful, wonderful book if you are looking for a new book to read.


24 thoughts on “this weekend…is on pause

  1. Indeed do, the same here. Tony just made “real” coffee in our new machine, the hot cross buns are rising and the chocolate is tempered a la Celia.


    • Hmm what to say Jane 🙂 I love it. And I mean LOVE it. It’s stories, it’s poetry, it’s photography. It’s not blokey, dude orientated surfy girls in bikinis and it is everything to do with the beautiful sea. It’s also intelligent. There are plenty of magazines out their that are just cramming fluff on pages…it’s not. Every page is scrutinised by me.


  2. Slow Easter sounds like something that we should all be embracing Ms Cityhippyfarmgirl. Enjoy your break and that second coffee and here’s to communal slowing down and tasting our lives when and wherever we can 🙂


  3. Slower paced, maybe just differently paced in my case. I’ve got my “city” ass into the garden to play “farm girl”. And in I am between baking and dehydrating. Loving the look of your hotXbuns, I can almost smell them and would love to try them out. Spelt on next week’s shopping list; I won’t tell anyone I made them late 😉 Love your page.


  4. What a perfect long weekend Brydie. Happy Easter to you and your fam. I’ve eaten waaaaay to much sugar, kinda buzzy, but the extra sleep and lazy days have been magical. Just what I needed. Hope that second coffee went down a treat, perfect with your hot cross buns I bet. 🙂


  5. I need to take a cue from you and slow down a bit myself.. I may just join you for that second cup of coffee. 😉

    Anyhoo, I found your blog through a Sustainable Bloggers link up site, looking for some like minded fellow bloggers to connect with! It would totally make my day if you stopped by my blog to say hi sometime! Or better yet, keep in touch! ❤ –


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