a little bag

crocheted bag- cityhippyfarmgirl

crochet bag- cityhippyfarmgirl

A soft light of a new day outside, and I’m well into my second cup of chai. There is a streaky grey sky morning about to break through and all is quiet. With little people still tucked up in their beds, a new day lays before me.

It’s 5.30 am and the day was going to be a busy.

Biscuits to make, boys to take and a check list that needs crossing off one and a half pages long; but my mind is only half on it. I want to make a little bag. A little bag with colours and tassels, a little bag for a little girl.

Colours were chosen, scraps of wool divided out and the bag already finished in my head. But it wasn’t to be. That bag lay dormant for another whole month until finally, there it was, finished. Not exactly as I had imagined it, (but things made by me rarely are.)

She loved it, and I was happy to make her something out of bits I already had.

crochet- cityhippyfarmgirl

28 thoughts on “a little bag

  1. LOVE it Brydie! The perfect colour combo, and the perfect size for little hands. I can relate to craft projects turning into something other than originally imagined; but morphing is part of the thrill of making isn’t it! We’re trying to squeeze in as much craft as we can before the school holidays end. Perfect heatwave escape – I guess you’ve been experiencing the stinking hot weather too?


  2. I love the little bag and the girl carrying it.
    Your story reminded me of last year when my daughter was in labour I crocheted a hat for my other daughter whilst we sat around the birth pool – I began in the wee hours it was finished before my grand daughter was born that day xxxx


  3. Gorgeous – the bag and the girl – and dare I say simpler than your last post which I started quite a few comments on but kept getting myself convoluted in the complexities but enjoyed the post nevertheless


  4. It is adorable – this big girl would like one just like it! I have come to realize that sometimes you just need to let the dishes sit, the cat boxes dirty, and be creative for 2 hours (if the little one sleeps that long.)


  5. She’s grown up so fast. Like Celia, I remember her as a tiny baby. And I love the bag. It’s gorgeous. And you made it out of leftovers! Amazing. I bet she’s thrilled to bits with it xx


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