postcards from the everyday

gift- cityhippyfarmgirl

farmers market cherries-cityhippyfarmgirl water-cityhippyfarmgirl

 a little gift was given

peddling to the farmers market,

where after, the cherries were gobbled up

water burst

in a whoosh of sunshiney droplets

collective love was passed onto a baby,

not yet born

and I wondered how this little imp of mine

had got so very big…

sitting in her basket boat sailing ship

coffee- cityhippyfarmgirl


29 thoughts on “postcards from the everyday

  1. it all looks so beautiful with you Brydie.
    i feel like i’ve always got so much to say to you when i read your posts.
    and then my comments never get through.
    maybe this one will?
    Oh and AMAZING photos as usual.


  2. Life after all is made up of ‘every day’s ~ if they show such quiet happiness as the last two especially, methinks one can smile and be grateful . .


  3. Your weekends are scrumptious…mine ran to FINALLY finishing off a sack load of OH&S studies (WOOT!) yesterday and today we spent the first part of the morning being dragged around behind the dogs (me flying out the back of Earl like a set of those lovely prayer flags but without the “lovely” bit and with “swearing” interspersed with the streaming…) and I spent the day cooking up a storm which was, indeed, lovely. Your little part of the world looks unctuous. We still haven’t had much sunshine here but I am going to keep quiet about that as when summer does get here she is going to tap-dance on my sensibilities willy nilly so I am staying shtum! 😉


  4. Your poetry paints pictures ,Brydie! How did that little cherub grow so fast ?- perhaps eating freshly baked bread , delicious cakes and desserts baked by her city mouse mother had something to do with it .I used to have a cane basket like that when I was her age and I used to pretend I was a turtle and wear it on my back. Lovely pics.x


  5. Beautiful post Brydie. You have such an eye for beauty in the everyday. Love the water burst picture… was that a sprinkler that dislodged? Gorgeous with the dappled light coming through. Rather excited about the little imp sitting in his/her cosy cabin!!! How far to go now? xx


    • Just a few weeks for more beautiful friend which is just so damn exciting 🙂
      The water burst was funny. I was riding by, went past, but had to go back. The light catching all those droplets was too mesmerising…a burst pipe or something.


  6. Hi Brydie

    we have a family farmstay and since I’m launching a new website, my photography skills (or lack thereof) have been in overdrive. The photos you’ve produced are beautiful and yet very simple.

    I’m trying to capture what if feels like to be a on a farm, so there’s a certain earthy simplicity there too which I’m also seeking.

    Thanks for sharing.



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