quite normal chocolate chip scones

chocolate chip scones

chocolate chip sconesI wouldn’t normally make something like chocolate chip scones,

although some days aren’t so normal.

Monday wasn’t normal.

In fact, I’m sure my world momentarily had flown off it’s axis and was spinning willy nilly.

Not now though,

things seem to be back to normal

…whatever normal is.

Chocolate Chip Scones

3 cups s/r flour

1 cup cream

1 cup of water

150g chocolate chips

pinch of salt

one tablespoon of sugar

Lightly mix the ingredients all together in a bowl. Once combined, on to lightly floured bench, pop your dough on, and then lightly knead with your finger tips. Flour the rim of a glass (or another cutter of some sort) and cut them out.  On to a tray, and then bake at 220C for 20mins.

18 thoughts on “quite normal chocolate chip scones

  1. These sound wonderful Brydie… you can’t go wrong with a gorgeous scone recipe and the addition of chocolate chips! I hope that your not-normal stretch has been okay? Thinking of you xx


  2. ‘normal’ is a word often uttered my boys (and usually in a slightly whiny voice)! “Mum, can’t we just have *normal* cookies with chocolate chips and nothing else”. “Mum, can’t I have a *normal* sandwich to school, with just Vegemite”. It feels good to relent sometimes. I know they’re going to love these scones (and I’m sure I will too)! Xx PS. Glad your world is back to normal!


  3. Adding choc chips to scones sounds very normal to me 😉 They look lovely. I can’t remember if I’ve tried adding cream to scones before. I will have to check back and if not try it. In fact, given that I can’t remember, I’d better try it anyway.


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