Cardamom buns

cardamom buns

almond and sultana buns

almond and sultana cardamom buns


One of my baking friends lent me this book recently.

I didn’t want to give it back.

It was the sort of book that I would quite like to sit on my book shelf and flick through for inspiration now and again. The sort of book I like to bring the pages up nice and close, scrutinise, trying to work out how the devil they made it.

It’s that sort of book, because one- it’s got gorgeous baked goodies in there and two…well I don’t speak a word of Norwegian so scrutinising the pictures is the best way to try and understand what on earth I have to do next.

I reluctantly gave the book back.

With scribbled down notes and mutterings of, more…I must try more, I then did a search for his famous bakery in Lom. The Hairy Bikers visited, and going on the surrounding scenery, the local peoples obvious enthusiasm for the baked goodies and the fact that I’m still having a quiet love affair with all things Scandinavian. Well clearly, I need to go there and eat cardamom buns, probably quite a few. I also possibly need to ask for a short apprenticeship and at the very least, need to keep watching this same segment over and over, so I can get them down pat.

Until then I’ll also keep playing with my own semi sourdough version of them. It’s a versatile dough, that doesn’t mind having things added to it (or eaten just as it is.)

bunss copy

Cardamom Buns

(adapted from Morten Schakenda)

250g sourdough starter

1 tsp dried yeast

600g flour

250mls milk

200mls water

100g sugar

100g softened butter

1 tsp cardamom

1 tsp salt

Add starter, yeast and water together. Whisk and leave for an hour or so. Mix remaining ingredients together and then knead until dough is elastic (I use my mixer)  on a lightly floured surface or until well incorporated and dough is smooth. Leave to prove for a couple of hours, with a couple of knock backs in between.  Shape into rolls and place on a lined tray, allow to prove for another hour or so.

Bake at 180-190 for 15-20 minutes.

blueberry and creme fraiche

blueberry and creme fraiche cardamom buns

This post submitted to yeast spotting

36 thoughts on “Cardamom buns

  1. Yummy!! OK time to get the starter out of the fridge,although it does look a little off now, perhaps I’ll have to start a starter again. Thank you for inspiring….. Joy


  2. Well, this is the one that I’ve been waiting for! I remember these bad (but oh so good) boys from a celebratory picnic under the trees, and I must say, they were wonderful.

    Yummy new year to you.


  3. I’ve been desperate to try cardamom buns since I saw that episode of the Hairy Bikers. Unlike you though, I haven’t cracked on and made my own, but I will do ….. one day.


  4. Ah, the Norwegian book! How lovely to see it here in your blog. I would love to make some of these today. It’s a comfort thing, and with the weather this grey and wet, ‘boller’ will soothe our house and our bellies.


  5. You are such a talented baker, Brydie. The aromas from your kitchen must be incredible. Everything looks amazing and I would love to have a browse through that cookbook. I hope you can keep it! xx


  6. when you have a book in a foreign language it shows just how visual we are about cooking – I love blogs because they have so many more photos than in many cookbooks – your buns look lovely – maybe this will be my year to tackle sourdough


  7. Those are just the most perfect rounded rolls! Ooh, and I don’t know which I prefer between the almond/sultana and the blueberry/creme fraiche ones. Both lovely! I have been using cardamom in more sweet things lately and I love the depth and flavor it adds. Pinning these to try soon!


  8. I have been watching a most banal cooking show by a Swedish chef that appears to want to put fruit in every single recipe that he makes BUT he is showcasing the Scandinavian countries (I thought Scandinavia WAS a country, not a conglomeration of Sweden, Denmark and Norway! So I did learn something from this chef who has been so memorable that I can’t even think of his name offhand even though I just watched his program last night 😉 ) and I fall off my chair in raptures every time I look past that (daft fruit wielding) chef at the countryside beyond. What an amazing place this part of Europe is! Gorgeous, green, endless possibilities, sustainable, happy, all of the good words and not a lot of the bad as far as I can see. Almost makes a girl want to up sticks and move (if it wasn’t for all that fruit filled grub, that long haul flight and that numpty chef that is 😉 )


    • Ahh you see. I love the fruity stuff so that’s just another added bonus to me. I was told in Sweden they eat fruit bread with ham and mustard the other day. Ohhh, I was happy to hear that!
      A stunning part of the world eh.


      • I also heard from the chef (still can’t remember his name!) that even the mustard is sweet and fruity. I am not a sweet person (figuratively and literally 😉 ) and thus fruit in savoury dishes doesn’t sit well with me. I didn’t even like sweet and sour when I was a kid so I guess I would have to wade my way through the fruit embellishments and pick out the savoury bits underneath ;). I am sure there would be no shortage of Swedes to eat my cast off fruit 😉


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