celebrating the everyday

this week it’s been made abundantly clear to me

that the mundane, the every day is not so ordinary

I always try to not take those every day moments for granted. Posts like these ones, focus on my love of those little moments… I know that, I really do.

But hearing what is going on in some other peoples lives at the moment and I’m left speechless…

This weekend, I’m celebrating my everyday.

37 thoughts on “celebrating the everyday

  1. Not a lot to love this week – four vomiting kids will suck the fun out of anyone! I do have an incredibly clean house though (all those spills!) so that is something to smile about! Your little one is getting so big already. They really are a reminder of the gentle tick of the clock aren’t they!? X


  2. Thank you for reminding us that everyday is a s special as the next. Our kids grow before our eyes and everyday they are happy and safe is a beautiful day x


  3. Another gorgeous post. Beautiful photo’s. It is so true it is the the simple things in life that can give us the most pleasure. A simple picnic with my girls and mum this weekend brought me joy. I kept the picnic simple, zucchinni slice and salad with homemade malteser slice for dessert and a picnic rug. I am learning to appreciate contentment and peace is much closer to home. WIshing you and your family a wonderful week. Hayley


  4. So important. Mundane is one of my favourite words. And favourite days. Doing dishes, cooking, picking up my contacts, sharing, talking, laughing and planning. Beautiful photos of your beautiful herd, Brydie.


  5. I love everything about this Post. And look at your beautiful little girl – sitting up and looking so grown-up already!

    Mel xx

    ps I have some wee wooden buttons to send to you from my little giveaway if you can e-mail me a postal address 🙂


  6. we just finished school holidays and while so many of my friends said there kids got bored or needed entertaining only once did i hear mr 5 say what are we doing today we took time out to enjoy the simple things we camped, we swam at the pool, we played at the park, we did craft, we visited the zoo, we gardened, we swam at the beach, we had a movie day at home with popcorn all cost effective and he loved every minute, as did I.


    • Sounds like perfect school holidays Linda. I hate the term bored and don’t want my kids to even use the word. There are so many wonderful, wonderful things to do in this world… no time for being bored!
      (I love making popcorn and having a movie day as well- a whole lot cheaper than going to the movies.)


  7. Brydie, your little baby girl is looking all grown up! (That is her, isn’t it?) How on earth did that happen – but she is one beautiful child. The everyday is on my radar this week too because when leaving the Bigness of overseas travel, it is surely in the everyday that one must find solace. Fortunately, there’s plenty to be found when you look.


  8. Oh that baby in the basket is so cute – this morning I was thinking about sad things that happen to us and how we need to enjoy the here and now because you just never know what life will dish up – those gerberas also made me happy – my favourite flower


  9. Pingback: Shiney Love in Sunny Seattle « she of 108 names

  10. Dear Brydie,

    A beautiful post to remind me to cherish each day and each other. I try to capture this philosophy in my blogging and hopefully in years to come, these moments tell me that life is truly beautiful and worth living to the fullest.


  11. A nice reminder to appreciate the magic of everyday moments. AS I type this the sun is rising over the hills and throwing a blanket of orange over the cattle and I am grateful to be able to witness this everyday moment of quietness and contentment.


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