sunshine, lemons and a whispering curd

A rush of lemons.

Limoncello is now on the go, but it took three lots of lemons before I was happy with the quality that was to be used.

So what do I have? A whole lot of lemons. Lucky for me, I love lemons.

Limoncello, lemon cordial, and lemon curd have all been fiddled with in the kitchen this week. Limoncello will wait for another day as it’s not ready yet, but the cordial and curd? Cordial bottle nearly empty and there is now a large jar of curd whispering to me from the fridge. That’s right, she whispers. Sings to me from a closed door. Letting me know she is there and waiting.

Just a little taste as you walk on by, come on…you can do it. Leave the carrots, it’s me you really want. Where’s your teaspoon honey?…

It’s hard. It really is. Husky voiced, the lemon curd allures and entices you with her whispered sing song voice. Just a little teaspoon indeed.

It’s the Lauren Bacall of the fridge. Refined, sultry tones and probably wearing a beautifully cut Chanel type pants suit too. All that in a jar of old fashioned lemon curd…who knew?

Lemon Curd

1 cup of lemon juice

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 beaten eggs

1 tbls cornflour

In a pot add the juice and sugar. Bring to the boil, turn down a little and simmer for about 5 minutes. All sugar should be dissolved. In a bowl whisk your eggs and cornflour together. Slowly drizzle this mixture into the juice and sugar mixture, whisking quickly as you do. Keep at a simmer until the curd thickens.

Lemon Cordial

1 cup lemon juice

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

Equal parts strained lemon juice, sugar and water. Juice the lemons, strain the juice. In a pot add the sugar and water and bring to a rapid boil. Boil until it thickens slightly. (For me this took six minutes, depends on the amount you are using and also the pot though. Then add your lemon juice.

Store in a bottle and leave in the fridge. Serve with mineral water, ice and a couple of sprigs of mint, or perhaps a little vodka… or just good old tap water.

58 thoughts on “sunshine, lemons and a whispering curd

  1. Lemons, don’t you just love them to bits? Their scent is so fresh and delicious. I buy lemons in a gigantic net bag, and during the summer we go through about two a day. Lemon cordial made from agave syrup is something that I make regularly, and keep in the fridge. It’s a real summertime drink. 🙂


  2. brydie i just love all the photos of your kitchen table with the different goodies on it..they’re so pretty..

    lemons are a’plenty here too and like you i’ve been making curd and cordial..but i’ve never made limoncello..i wonder if i should get on the bandwagon!

    by the way i eventually found the easyo sachets and i tried making the yoghurt in my oven on the dough proving/yoghurt making setting but it didn’t work..i’m sure that’s because of the cold water method used.. so i bought the easyo maker the next day and it worked a treat even though the mix had been in the’s so much easier than the method i’d been using where i used fresh milk that was heated and cooled to specified temperatures..and last night i made my first batch with powdered milk which was a thanks for the great idea..


    • Please do get on the bandwagon with the limoncello. I haven’t tasted mine yet, but I think it’s doing all the things it should be. I’ll post about it when it’s done. Fingers crossed!
      Excellent about the yogurt too 🙂


    • Have you posted your method for limoncello? I thought you might have done one but couldn’t find anything when I first started on it. I still have your limoncello tiramisu book marked on my pinterest too. Life with lemons is good.


  3. Give in to the whisperings, my dear, you know you want to! Fruitless not too, really.

    Would love to have a go at making lemon cordial someday although I seem to be holding off in the hopes that each year our tree will produce enough to do so…no luck yet but one day, one day!

    This limoncello of yours has me most intrigued…do update soon. 🙂


  4. I think lemons are the most essential ingredient in any kitchen. They are so versatile and go well in drinks, savoury dishes and sweet dishes. I even use them to clean my chopping boards. You are fortunate to have so many on hand.


  5. I love lemons and limes, I have 4 little cirtus trees in my garden, but not a lot of fruit yet. When I do, I’ll come back to these recipes, yumm…


  6. I have six lemons in the fridge and there will be cordial! Yours tasted so deliciously refreshing…

    As for lemon curd – I do love it but particularly adore a pink grapefruit version.

    Today I went to buy a lime to have with some dark rum and strong ginger beer (it’s been that kind of day…) and put it back when I read the they were $3 each…[insert sad face here]. Oh for lime and lemon tree.


  7. Are the lemons yours? They look perfect. I have none at the moment so I am curious about the rush of lemons where you live. I have a few limes, but that’s about it. Lemon curd is one of my absolute homely, cosy, fav foods. I agree about the allure of the lemon curd – something so luscious and velvety about it.


    • None of the lemons were mine, although I wish they were. The word was out I was on the hunt for lemons for limoncello. My farmers market stall gave me a whole bundle, Mr C came home with a bundle and then someone else’s back yard lemons came in too. It could have been worse 🙂


  8. I love your description… beautiful lemon curd:) Now I hear her voice as well! I didn’t know you could make limoncello, I’ve a bottle in my cupboard but it was purchased. Yours would taste so fresh!


  9. love your green chairs and envy your love of lemons – I just can’t embrace them like you do but after one go of lemon barley water I want to try again – or maybe even lemon cordial. Highly recommend the chamomile lemon drink on In the Mood for Noodles if you want some different ways of using lemons! I am hoping the blossoms on our little lemon tree will turn into this drink one day 🙂


  10. Aren’t lemons fabulous? And aren’t we soooo lucky to be able to grow them so easily? I’ve had a lemon tree in the garden of my (various) houses for over 20 years – don’t know what I’d do if I had to buy them.


  11. I love the look of that curd, and can quite imagine why it’s whispering to you – I’m sure it’d be whispering to me too! Your lemons look gorgeous and fresh and perky, I wish I could buy such delicious produce here!


  12. I have a bunch of lemons sitting around for a cake I didn’t get around to making on the weekend, and I was just wondering this morning what to do with them. Good timing! I think lemon cordial is a plan. Yum 🙂


  13. yum… home-made lemon curd? and I thought the season of home-made jams was over… gotta think about this one!


  14. Pingback: lemon and olive oil cake | Cityhippyfarmgirl

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