in my kitchen…

There has been a flurry of activity in my kitchen lately. Dishes are stacking up, ideas are being scribbled down, the floor is strewn with flour, and the cupboards have mysterious small grubby hand prints on them…

In my kitchen, is a cooling tray of gingerbread men, all ready to be bundled together for a little girl’s birthday.

In my kitchen is a waiting patiently gnome fairy that needs a new home for the same little girl’s birthday. The wings are a little shonky, but I’m hoping she won’t be scrutinising.

In my kitchen, is a whole heap of sourdough action. Portions of Suzie are being sent all over the neighbourhood, with less than satisfactory instructions of what to do with her (from my part.) Fingers crossed for everyone involved. May the sourdough gods be generous to all her new followers.

In my kitchen is some slashing practise after reading Zeb Bakes’ very informative post. The thing is, I got nervous. I was about to start and I hesitated… I stalled….oh the pressure! I don’t usually think so much about the technique, so hesitating made it pull a little. Mr Chocolate said that looks really good, which was nice, but it wasn’t the look I was aiming for though. There will be a whole lot more slashing practising from now on.

In my kitchen is the new ‘Feast’ magazine from SBS. I don’t get any magazines except for our gifted Sanctuary subscription, and I don’t watch so many cooking shows these days, but the magazine combines all that is wonderful from SBS, food, different cultures, and great articles in the one  magazine. Loving it. Especially as there is a roti canai recipe in there that looks completely do-able, and so far the old roti has eluded me.

In my kitchen is a bowl full of my dad’s back yard limes, whispering words of marmalade, cake, and juice to me….


What’s happening in your kitchen?

* The lovely Celia does a monthly round up of all things wonderful happening in her kitchen. Pop on over to see what’s happening in her kitchen for this August.

38 thoughts on “in my kitchen…

  1. Beautiful slashing ! I think the best ones are the unexpected results sometimes, Mr Chocolate is right 🙂 I want to know how you make so many perfect gingerbread men, mine always crack and break and spread and in fact I have given up trying….


    • The secret is make them quite thick for the gingerbread men. I like the taste of them thinner but they are too tricky. These little guys were probably between 7mm-10mm thick. The thicker ones taste good dunked 😉


  2. I agree, beautiful slashing Brydie! Thanks for joining in, and for the linky, such treasure in your kitchen this month! Some lucky little girl is going to be very happy indeed.. 🙂


  3. Oh, lovely photos and what a good idea. In my kitchen, at this very minute nothing is happening, it’s all freshly cleaned and wiped and clutter-free. But later on… must do tests on the rice cooker as it’s not working properly, I’m sure. And later, there will be cupcakes as both little ones are having a friend over this arvo. Your yoghurt ones, I am thinking.


  4. oh..those little gingerbread men all lined up on the cooling rack look so so sweet..and your bread looks amazing..the loaves look as though they have seeds and/or grains in them and that’s inspired me to do the same with the loaf i am making today..jane


  5. I love the gnome fairy…and I don’t know anything about bread baking other than what all the wonderful baker bloggers do, but your loaves(slashing) looks great! I’ve nearly used up all the lemons but hopefully there’s room for a couple for lemon meringues. Great August kitchen antics!


  6. I’ve never got into slashing so must have a little look at the article. I do love how your bread looks and love the sound of a communal sourdough starter in your neighbourhood.

    I am curious to know if that is one lime with lemons (as I would think) or lots of limes in the photos – my tree gave me limes this year and they were yellow – I even cut into one thinking it was a lemon. But they were green inside.


  7. I think your slashing is perfect! I have a couple of new recipes I want to try out – nothing quite as professional as yours though. I am looking forward to making a loaf in my own kitchen again.
    Have a happy day.
    🙂 Mandy


  8. Thanks for sharing a peek into your kitchen! Totally loving your gnome fairies. I shall now think of you as Sourdough Mama, sharing your yeasty babes with the neighbourhood. Such fun this will be to watch them grow! 🙂


  9. Oooh, now I feel all nostalgic after seeing those gingerbread men. I just love the flavour of them. Not the cake particularly but the biscuits are very special. And your slashing is perfection!

    Lovely post – thoroughly enjoyed the photos, too.

    I just love your little gnome fairy. So sweet. 🙂


  10. Brydie-
    So glad you did one of these- and I love all the elements within your post and kitchen. Being a cookie maker- I love the gingerbread!
    But the gnome fairy, slashed loaves and limes are wonderful as well!
    You always have something magical and scrumptious going on in your kitchen, don’t you?


  11. I do love Celia’s In My Kitchen and now I’m getting a real treat and seeing what’s in yours. I’m finally in the process of constructing my own post and seeing your bowl of limes has reminded me about the bag of delicious apples my mother has just given me – so had better include that too. Hope your sourdough thrives around the neighbourhood. Mine has been sent off around the country, but I only know one who has managed to keep it going. Your little fairies are so gorgeous.


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