Tasmanian wanderings


Lured by her siren song, Tasmania has been calling for a long time now. A whispered song at first. Easy to be ignored, turned away for another day, another time. Happy memories of a trip from years before keep the song going. Time moves on and the songs tempo changes. A quickened beat, thoughts of, I wonder…

A fleeting weekend, changes the beat of the song once more. She calls more insistently now. A winter week away beckons…

A week of real winter weather


Long quiet nights of reading

Soft snow falling


Meeting the fabulous people behind the fabulous blogs

And more wonderful food than is rightfully so.

Going back to the Hobart Farmers Markets with the family was like stepping into a familiar pair of comfortable worn shoes. Some of the stalls were different, but some were the same. I was happy to wait while people lined up to make their local food purchases. Gave me a chance to soak it all in. Not as much soaking as I would have liked this time though. The Monkeys were pulling my legs and tweaking at my fingers… as there was cupcakes on the line.

C & C Cupcake Factory make seasonal cupcakes sourcing sustainable and local products. Rhubarb from the garden, quinoa milled from not far away and cupcakes that left us all wishing we weren’t leaving before they were next going to be selling at the markets. I had to reign in the excited puppy within while talking with the lovely Michelle. She had swapped Sydney streets for a slower Tasmanian life years before and I would have happily quizzed her until closing time. I didn’t though, and went and filled my arms with more goodies for meals over the next few days.

I hadn’t got to try any of Rare Food’s piggy treats last time, but this time The Monkeys had put in orders for bacon and what sort of mama would I be if I denied them? Heritage breed, locally bred, locally made products, and I get to talk with the producer. Ticks all the boxes that I’m after. Matthew Evans was also selling his new book just out, which I had heard whispers of.

I wasn’t going to buy it I really wasn’t. I didn’t need a new recipe book, and I had been really happy with the Real Food Companion. But, I did buy it… how could I not?

Winter on the Farm is the kind of book that makes you want to curl up in front of a fire, hot tea by your side, biscuit crumbs on your chest and slowly read your way through. Book marking every second page for further reference. These are the kind of recipes that I like. Recipes that can be easily tweaked, with ingredients that you might have on hand… and the photography is truly, beautiful.

* More Tassie bits to come…

53 thoughts on “Tasmanian wanderings

  1. I hope the more Tassie bits to come includes you locked in a big smooch with Matthew Evans… 😉

    I’m just teasing, Mr Chocolate, just teasing.. 😉

    So good to see you’ve been having a good time, thanks for sharing your holidays with us, Brydie!


  2. You are so lucky. After watching Gourmet Farmer (and buying the DVD) and reading about Michelle’s lifestyle in Country Style I really want to visit Tasmania, and one day even move there. The way of life their seems so idyllic. For now I’ll just dream.


  3. i’ve never been to tasmania even though ive been wanting to go for years..your photos reinforce my expectations that i would love it..looking forward to seeing more of your photos..jane


  4. Welcome back! Lovely pics so far..looking forward to hearing more about your trip. Have you read Living the Good Life by Linda Cockburn? She traded a life of hustle and bustle in (suburban QLD in her case) for a slower pace and strawbale cottage dream in Tassie. It’s a great read! She has a blog too..


  5. I looooooove Tassie. Did you try any Bruny Island Cheese? And absolutely fantastic op shopping ssssssh don’t tell anyone. We try to go once a year and always bring back the most amazing mementoes be they art/craft/antiques/food/memories.


  6. What’s the building in the very first pic? Is it a mill or a shot tower? Tasmania is the other side of the world for me, so it is wonderful to read about your trips there as if it was the Isle of Wight 😉


    • Clever girl. A shot tower it is, built in 1870. The whole process of how a shot was made is quite amazing.
      We climbed to the top on some rickety looking old stairs. The Monkeys frollicked ahead and I gripped on with sweaty hands. Heights and I aren’t the best of friends.


  7. So the little monkeys got piggy and cupcakes, you got an autographed recipe book, what treasure did Mr. Chocolate get?
    What a great adventure- you – once again in pure food land!
    I love the photographs- especially the moss in the snow. So clear and clean! It is nice to see a little snow in the middle of a hot and sticky summer (here).
    I’m looking forward to your adaptations of the recipes!


  8. Glad to hear you had a good time. I loved my visit to Tasmania in February. My only regret was that I didn’t manage to visit Hobart on a Saturday for the market.

    I need to pop into a book shop to check out Matthew Evan’s new book. I love the Real Food Companion.


  9. Lovely pics of Tassie. It’s reminding me of the Gourmet Farmer series – which I found out about on your blog – a very satisfying DVD purchase. Just watching that show made me want to move there!


  10. Never mind Matthews book – what about your book? You have such brilliant poetic prose and I know could do a brilliant book. Signed copy for me please 😉

    If it wasn’t for the gum trees in the background, I’d have thought that mill was in England somewhere. Hope the rest of the trip was as good as this first bit.


  11. Matthew Evans will be at Maleny this Thursday to launch his book – we’re booked in to attend. Love your photos of Tassie. I’m a bit scared to go there because I think I might never want to come back…


  12. So glad you had a lovely break away from the city. Sounds to me like you want to move to Tasmania. It really is a beautiful place and so untouched .


  13. What a scrumptious trip! Tassie has always been about bushwalking and taking in that AMAZING countryside so this is a real treat. To see it through a Foodie’s eyes. I am going to take a look at that book at my local bookstore (a perve only because I still can’t buy anything new :-() x


  14. The photos are fantastic! Oh, I hear Tasmania calling too, and this post didn’t help, but I think Bangalow is calling me more on these chilly Winter days though! It all looks so wonderful… big *sigh*…


  15. You are right Tassie is beautiful, i came for a holiday 5 years ago and didnt want to leave, we made a 5 yr plan and moved here last november. I live in the huon valley, close to the gourmet farmet and cup cake lady, surrounded by orchards, hills, and fresh air, it is the best thing i ever did. Dont just dream do it.


  16. Oh, I just love Tasmania and haven’t been there for ages, now. I can’t wait to get back there – the food, the wines, and the magnificent scenery – they have it all!


  17. I here Tasmania calling me through your blog post. It all sounds so amazing. Richard recommended the Real Food Companion on a number of occasions. It looks like I’ll have to get both books soon.


  18. Aahh…Tasmania…and you got to meet Matthew Evans too! Lucky you. Since watching the first series of Gourmet Farmer Tasmania has been on my list of places to visit as well. Can’t wait for the new series to start!


  19. Stunning, stunning photos.I know the earth is round, but I still find myself amazed that you have winter and snow now. Beautiful. Your writing melts together with the images, and they remind me of the book I am currently reading. What a beautiful place you live in.


  20. Pingback: Hobart how I’ve missed you so | cityhippyfarmgirl

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