loving right now

Lots of energy within, but I’m having trouble knowing where to direct it. So many things to do, so many things I want to do… and I want to do them all.

A few things I’m loving at the moment…

creating with The Monkeys, using buttons and felt

my new old couch… or is it my old new couch?

making simple honey biscuits

hearing Little Monkey describe something as… wuvley

a new favourite cafe, that serve with vintage saucers and proper teapots

5.30am cups of chai. A magical time of day. It feels like bonus time, extra time. The Monkeys are (hopefully) still asleep and Mr Chocolate is long gone to work. Just me and the moment of a new dawning day…


What are you loving at the moment?

45 thoughts on “loving right now

  1. I am also loving the 5:30am cup of tea. I sneak out to the kitchen put the kettle on and start my day peacefully checking emails, catching up on my favourite blogs, reading the front pages of the news whilst the kids and husband sleep.

    I really feel like it is my time.


  2. I’m loving a fulfilling weekend of connection with friends, food and finally, for the first time in a week, a decent night’s sleep. And I’m savouring the idea of a quieter week in which I might do more of what you once posted, read. I hope everyone has a wonderful upcoming week.


  3. Such a loverly post, Brydie! Love dearly cafes that serve tea in ‘real’ pots (dainty strainers are an absolutely bonus!!). There is something about the ceremony of pouring tea and soaking up the pleasure, I feel this offers as much enjoyment as the actual drinking of the tea.

    Also loving goats who stay in there confines as well as happy, happy kids who are having a rare moment of all getting along 🙂


    • It is the ceremony isn’t it. I love it all. I don’t actually own a tea pot, but use an individual tea strainer. Even that whole process is enjoyable though… and especially so with cranking up the stove top coffee pot!
      May your goats get along and your kids stay confined 🙂


  4. Lovely warm sunshine after a very cool start to the day. Gave myself an hour to sit out in the sun and read my book. Bliss.


  5. I’m loving winter evenings, cozy flames from a fire, no rushing for a long weekend and a evening of red wine, and friends.
    Maybe an early birders club could be formed, so many of us start our day early!


  6. I rarely get up that early, I’m a night owl these days, but on the few days I do I always wish I did, if that makes sense. I love early morning skies, the relative quiet, the blackbird singing, the thin reedy calls of the dunnock, I move snails from my veggies, and drink big mugs of builders’ tea and feel as if I have all the time in the world.

    I love your circle pictures, the biscuits, the buttons, the tea set – what an elegant and delightful post – just beautiful xx


    • I hadn’t noticed the circles… they are though aren’t they.
      Everything you just spoke of Joanna is exactly why that time of day is magical… (see, I just had a 5 minute ponder and muse on it all.)


  7. I love those magical early morning hours and reading this now while I’m at work (yuk). But your post brought a good feeling to me as I felt your peace and contemplation. Very nice post and thank you!


  8. Loving the soft change of the seasons, as seven months of cold windy rain slowly shifts to a warm still morning – love digging in the dirt with bare hands, to make the soil soft for the new tomato roots – love making my garden plants happy, and watching them show their happiness by growing soft green leaves, bigger each day.


  9. I’m loving pirate craft with my boys, making lemonade scones, breastfeeding a newborn (it’s sitting-down time) and reading your lovely blog again!


  10. I’m loving family and vacation homes- times spent with grandsons and sons and daughters. Baking bread and cheesecake and cookies and sitting around a big table for 10 looking at all the lovely faces!
    And the ocean waves and slow southern smiles and drawls- fish freshly caught and baked and on my plate!
    Enjoying life- from 5:15 AM to midnight!


  11. Seriously cold here in the Adelaide Hills, so I’m loving my uggies and my chooks who still manage to lay an egg every now and then, even though they are past their prime and feeling the winter chill.


  12. I’m loving be back at my summer job, which is working as an outdoor educator at a near-by provincial park! Also the longer days, which gives more time outside in my garden, or with my boy and our pup!

    Those 5:30am mornings sound lovely, I’ve been getting up at 6:30am, but it’s really only enough time to get the dog out/in/fed, lunches made, breakfast eaten and we’re off. I would love a 1/2 hour to listen to the birds….


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