
I’ve been inspired by the city and all it has to offer this week.

My city. The city I often dream of leaving and forget to utilise it for the wonderful things that happen within it.

Happy chats with friends over coffee.

The Sydney Writers Festival. After waiting ten years to finally do something from it, I squashed in four sessions this week.

A wonderful workshop with Mark Dapin.

A funny talk on ‘Mirth of a Nation’– Has Australia lost it’s ability to laugh at it self? With Richard Glover and others.

An enlightening examination of  ‘The ten desires that drive us’ with social researcher, Hugh Mackay.

And a truly inspiring session on Family Politics with Ingrid Betancourt, Fatima Bhutto and Aminatta Forna, talking with Maxine McKew.

These women…. so much to think about. No photos were allowed, but I did scribble lots of notes to reflect on. To write of their strength and resilience, doesn’t even begin to capture the essence of these formidable women.

Add in a visit to the State Library to see the Moran Photographic Exhibition. Beautiful photographs, in a space that encourages creativity and thought.

The last week has encouraged me to take better photographs, write more, learn more, question things and simply take a minute to stop and just be.

I’m inspired.

20 thoughts on “Inspired

  1. How could you not be inspired by sensational Sydney? Isn’t it great to really get involved with your own home town? I am looking forward to catching up on my Brisbane life. I love it!


  2. I have been wanting to get to the Sydney Writer’s Festival for about the last decade too! Good for you that you made space this year. Will love looking at your links x


  3. Like you, the writers festival galvinised me – it might account for some very early wakings since, mulling over talks and thinking on the wonderful complexity and difference that makes each of us so…well, different. Happy we got to share some of it together.


  4. always great to be a tourist in your home town – so much that gets missed in the every day – lovely photos and lucky you to be off to the writers festival – no wonder you are writing about reading in your recent post


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