sweet potato dhal- frugal Friday


Cheap to make. Healthy to eat. And tasty.

There is a lot to like about dhal. I use red lentils as they cook pretty quickly and they are an easy one to get by The Monkeys (on a good day.)

I will make a very basic dhal and then dress it up with what ever I have going. This week was served with some basmati rice, a dollop of natural yogurt, a spoonful of tomato chutney and some fresh chopped cucumber/ tomato. Use what ever you have though…some chilli for a kick in the pants is always good too.

Sweet Potato Dhal

In a pot add

2 good slurps of vegetable oil

a diced brown onion

3 cloves diced garlic

an inch of fresh diced ginger

a couple of shakes of




brown mustard seeds (if you have them, I didn’t for this one)

fry until smells deliciously fragrant

add 1 1/2 cups dried red lentils

2 cups of water

stir it round and pop the lid on, (at a medium heat)

chop up your

sweet potato

and whack that in the pot, along with another

2 cups of water

salt to taste

stick the lid on and keep the temperature on low until the the lentils have cooked themselves soft and the sweet potato* is cooked through.

You can use any vegetable that is seasonal. I’ll quite often use pumpkin, sweet potato or silverbeet.

29 thoughts on “sweet potato dhal- frugal Friday

  1. Yum! I’ve been keeping an eye out for a nice, simple, tasty dahl recipe and this recipe just totally beat my previous plans for the weekend. I’m definitely picking the ingredients for this up tomorrow when I’m down at the shops : )


  2. I love dhal but must confess to never having made it myself before. Living in Mauritius for the past 2.5 years has meant that it is always available and always nice. My hubby’s assistant always sends some home for me but I have never had a sweet potato version before – sounds yummy.
    🙂 Mandy


    • Ahh, the chutney. I am hooked on it. I made a batch a week ago and it’s finding its way on to every dish I am having. The lime zest was the clincher. It jazzes up the dhal just nicely.
      Hope you are having a cruisey long weekend to Anna.


  3. Wasn’t until recently that I realized that dhal and lentils were the same thing (purists may disagree!) – and I love your idea of adding some sweet potato – I’ve got a big Japanese squash on the counter right now, and I think I’ll use your suggestion and do some of the same.


  4. Looks like a great frugal friday dinner!
    I’m making it for myself and the menfolks can have some or not.
    There are plenty of burger places around if they don’t want to eat what I’m eating. (right?)


  5. I’m such a sucker for dhal. I start drooling as soon as I hear the word, never mind seeing a picture. Love it in any form. I’ve been making it with yellow split peas recently – yum, yum, yum. Don’t make it nearly as much as I’d like, as CT’s digestive tract can’t cope with them as well as mine.


  6. The Husband is very fond of dhal, but I can take it or leave it, although I adore sweet potato, so maybe this is the recipe for me!
    How is your little monkey getting on with his leg?


  7. Love dahl! My current fave is chana dahl, although I’ve been cooking a bit of red dahl lately – just because they’re so quick and easy! Thanks for the recipe, Brydie, hope you’re all having a great Easter!


  8. Yum. This is almost exactly how I make it for my crew. We ate it like this as kids. My sister calls this her comfort food and calls for it when she’s sick.

    Love your blog and food ideas. thanks


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