Roll in the direction you are facing

Just like that this little space has once again changed. No fanfare no, no jazz hands and no jumping about with pointing fingers. It just kind of happened.

Slipping into the realm of when the time feels right to, well write. After over eight years of consistently blogging, at first every second day, then several times a week to, once a week, it’s now drifted into ‘surprise’ posts. Over that time there was consistency I gave myself deadlines, it worked for me and helped to practise my craft. A part of doing so turned me into a writer and a photographer. I’m incredibly grateful for blogging because of that.

Recently, it all changed again, not dramatically but slowly things just kind of organically shifted. This year I’ve just come to the end of a beautiful project I’ve been working on for some time.

With this long term project has come a different focus. A need for deeper thinking, more channelled energy, which has meant less time in this blog space. That’s ok, after 8 years the international blogging landscape has shifted a lot, and wowsers things are different to when I first started! That’s ok, I’m different too. Not the core of who I am, that is still the same but the gently ever changing focus, yes it has changed a bit.

While sustainability is still a strong pull, with some of my work being regularly found in Earth Garden Magazine, Organic Gardener, Pip Magazine and various other pop ups. My community focused documentary photography is finding it’s feet and that is crazy exciting as it’s something that creates excitement and a slightly held breath in ways that haven’t been seen before. And now, it’s time to roll in that direction I’m facing.

If you are a local to the Newcastle area, The Sunrise Swimmers of Merewether Ocean Baths exhibition has just finished, however the book can be found on my website, (also sold at Macleans Booksellers, Harry Harthog, and a lovely new stockist The Newcastle Shop.)

Over at I’m having a ‘Little Print Sale’ to celebrate the exhibition and book release, and early next month a few other things are happening. I found out I’m a finalist in the very esteemed Head On Photo Festival, and there will be an encore viewing in two different venues with some of my prints from The Sunrise Swimmers collection.

In addition to that, and importantly…after a really hot summer and a slightly distracted backyard focus… my garden might just get a proper look in.

What’s happening in your world?


7 thoughts on “Roll in the direction you are facing

  1. Totally understand how blogging can change over time. You have achieved so much — congratulations! I’ll look forward to hearing what happens next for you, whenever your blogs appear!


  2. Hello Brydie, I always love your blog, however and whenever it appears. Life certainly does change direction, thank goodness for that! You always have exciting projects on the go and it is fun to follow along x


  3. So beautifully written Byrdie, as usual.
    I too love your blog, it’s ever changing ways. I love The Sunrise Swimmers.
    Like The Shady Baker said, I love your blog however and whenever it appears.
    I have been reading your blog for many, many years and inspired by you more than you’ll ever know.
    I’ve been playing and experimenting with my Ankarsrum Assistent (Annie), sourdough is always on the go here and shared with friends. Our garden suffered the awful long hot summer too, so this weekend we gave it a bit of love and hope to plant again soon. I hope you enjoy some gardening time 😊


    • Annie I’m really pleased that you are happy with Annie (excellent name :-)) I still use mine a heck of a lot each week, and has never faulted in anyway. It really is an amazing piece of kitchen machinery.
      As for the kind words on the blog. Thank you, and thank you for reading for so long! People always come and go, and it’s lovely to find out my waffle is still enjoyed in some capacity 🙂


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