loving, living, laughing

Loving meeting friends for a solstice swim at sunrise in the pouring rain. There was a chorus of small folk bundled up in jackets, beanies and boots looking on as their parents braved the wintry watery ocean depths in a nod to all things solstice. It was cold and raining wet and grey.

I loved every bit of it.

Living one step away from chaos every day. With three kids who regularly make mischief of one kind or another and a pup who will chew everything, anything in sight.


Just one step away from it.

Delicious laughing at things small people come out with. The smallest is quite intrigued by babies at the moment, and is looking forward to having one. I was gently telling her, well she had to do quite a few other things first. She has to learn about lots of different people…discover new things in wonderful places. She has to try lots of delicious foods, like eating ice cream in Italy…and sausages on cold days in Germany…

[She has a think about this]

So we have to eat lunch first?


What are you loving at the moment?

[“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE]


12 thoughts on “loving, living, laughing

  1. I cannot believe you went swimming in that freezing cold ocean on solstice Brydie! My solstice celebrations usually include a fire and soup, lol 😊 As for your little one – so beautiful.


  2. I am loving your bravery on a cold winter days for a start. But here , I am loving the tiny quiet moments and the tiny thinking moments…they are tiny, but they are there and I see them, and often we miss the tiny moments. I am also loving small ones views on the world too…where a little boy spent a whole weekend thinking our baby goat was just a strange dog.


  3. I was completely drenched on my way home from my morning walk today… and relished every minute of it. I’d forgotten how nice it feels to be out in the pouring rain (when my iPhone has been left at home).


  4. It is good to see the Scandinavian influence extends to midwinter swims too, Brydie! I hope you went home to a steaming sauna and ate some smordebords on Figjo. I promised myself I would surf all through winter this year, but it has been a few weeks since I dragged my board out, and the solstice was mostly an indoor affair here. We tried to light a fire in the backyard, but it was just too wet to take. We are packing up this week and heading north for two weeks of sunshine (fingers crossed!) and a healthy dose of salt water. Love your little girl! xx


    • I’ve always wanted a sauna and was dead keen to put one in when we moved. Alas no room and really not the kind of house for one…damn it. Figgjo did happen though 🙂
      Enjoy those two weeks of salt infused sunshine Alison. x


  5. I am loving and appreciate the pic of your toes peeking out of the water . . inspiration to my tired soul.
    Right now my life is loving the intricate hidden life of my autistic son and planning a life for us.


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