Compost, sharing the love

compost 101 || cityhippyfarmgirl

composting 101 || cityhippyfarmgirl

I did this poster for friends of ours recently, (old school method, pen and paper even) They were starting a compost system up and were asking for a few simple tips on getting it all up and running.

I took that as a, yes, of course they would like it in an A3 poster format!

I also did a post on becoming a little geeky about the whole composting process over at Milkwood recently, if you would like to know a little more about the whole composting process.

good compost || cityhippyfarmgirl

How about you? Do you have any tried and true composting methods? Or failures perhaps? Any tales of composting woe that you’ve learnt great lessons from?

More composting details can be found here, and more information on those tiny compost friends Black Soldier Fly.

black soldier fly larvae || cityhippyfarmgirl


13 thoughts on “Compost, sharing the love

  1. Composting has never looked so creative and pretty Brydie! I love it. I don’t really compost as such, the chooks get our vegetable scraps and the dogs get any meaty, bone type scraps. Manure and straw in my vegetable garden tend to break down naturally in the beds. Amazing photo of the Black Soldier Fly.


    • They are funny little things the black soldier fly aren’t they up close.
      As for chooks versus compost, yep, I’m not sure how successful my compost would be if we had chooks as well, there is only so many scraps. I was actually thinking about your dogs this morning and the picture you took of them all alert in the back of the ute…makes me smile.


  2. A great poster, Brydie. My best composting tip is using a compost aerator (like a giant metal corkscrew) to turn material within a plastic composting dome. It is easy to use and introduces air into the mixture (as well as combining the different ingredients), thus speeding up decomposition.


  3. Great poster – wish I had a compost heap to use – if I did this would be on the wall – I love my parents three part compost system with the newest compost in one section, the next in the middle section and then the useable compost in the last section.

    But I have been delighted recently to find a local community garden that has a community compost bin – it is such a great idea as we don’t have much need for compost in our small garden and I am happy to contribute to theirs – have had a few discussions with friends about altenative compositing ideas for those who don’t need compost – such as taking it to friends’ places or even a communal compost heap for units.


  4. Such excellent timing for me! Just starting a compost heap (or 2) so the poster is a perfect summary for me. Thank you!!


  5. Pingback: That’s a wrap | cityhippyfarmgirl

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