loving…autumn light and small paws

light 03 || Brydie Piaflight 02 || Brydie Piaflight || Brydie Piaf


Small paws that have joined our 95% of the time chaotic household. It made no sense what so ever to get a whippet pup, none. Often things in life really don’t make sense but you surge forward anyway. People say having a pup, is like having another child, (and dear readers, it really is.)


Autumn light. I will never, ever, get tired of the magical light of autumn. Whether it’s early morning sunrises or afternoon shadows. It’s divine, and I can’t get enough of it.


What are you loving at the moment?

[“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE]

13 thoughts on “loving…autumn light and small paws

  1. Oh, I just love that quote. I always feel like the (a?) secret to happiness is taking joy in the little things. Best of luck with the puppy! Good thing puppies are so cute, eh?! 😉


  2. I’m loving that Spring is showing up (in New York) my inside plants are sprouting. Yesterday I took a trip to a favorite spot that tickles my soul. Your post reminded me once again to notice those little things.


  3. It’s still too hot here to light Brunhilda so my bread self development “classes” can’t get started yet. Champing at the bit for when we can start that first fire but night time and early mornings are cool and crisp and delicious again as they should be down here in Tasmania. I love your new pup and that shiny wooden floor. You know that the two are mutually exclusive don’t you? 😉


    • This time of year is gorgeous isn’t Narf. I was dreaming of your Tassie state again just this morning. Each year I promise myself to get to Dark Mofo and each year…sigh. A girl can dream right?
      (Ps. won’t be long until that old fire is lit and roaring again.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • I haven’t been to Dark Mofo either (or Mona either). Might have to take a trip down South to visit soon methinks 🙂


  4. I’m loving the rain at the moment. It’s been a wet weekend here in the west and everything looks that bit greener for it.
    All the best with the pup. Such a cutie.


  5. Oh he looks too cute. But never mind the dog lol, I’m just loving your decorated room! The wallpaper, the planters, the floor, the vintage chair…… Love it!


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