Squeezing creativity into the cracks of the day


Chasing light, building ideas

and wearing boots.


Busy weeks followed by a busy mind. Things have been a jumble of ideas, thoughts and words round here, I’m swimming through them, trying to work out what works and what doesn’t, (I’ve also been wearing boots.)

For a long time I thought being creative was fairly indulgent and something you did in your spare time. Then I realised I was wrong. So wrong.

For me being creative is like breathing. I need it. There aren’t massive chunks of creative time, so I squeeze it into the cracks of the day, in different ways, whenever I can.

Somedays it’s simply a different kind of slash on a sourdough. Another day it might be scribbled words in a notebook standing up at the kitchen bench. This week, I was chasing light with the camera. The kids didn’t need a second asking to be running outside, grabbing their scooters, as they flew out the door.


What have you been up to this week? 


29 thoughts on “Squeezing creativity into the cracks of the day

  1. Beautiful creativity in your photos Brydie. I am hoping to buy Pip Lincoln’s book soon, Craft for the Soul which I think is all about find creativity and making it something accessible rather than an indulgence. Happy Sunday to you x


  2. Nice boots!!! and yes, I agree – creativity is within oneself and I have been thinking more and more about it lately and how it affects me. I feel that both my husband and I are creative and always ‘making’ something…whether it be for our work or home. It is who we are – we are ‘makers’… and some people are not lucky enough to have that capability within them! So indulge.


  3. Being creative feeds the soul. I think that if you’re a creative type it will find its way into whatever you do. I’ve noticed in myself that I always seem to find my own way of doing things, whether it be creating recipes or photography or the way I approach challenges in my work. There’s such a feeling of satisfaction in taking an idea and making it real.


  4. A different sort of creativity involving learning how to do things that I would have never thought that it would be possible for me to do. The very best kind of stretching your imagination and cramming your head full of possibilities in the process. There are so many ways that we can find creativity Ms Cityhippygfarmgirl and it would appear that you are the mum of a hobbitses 😉


  5. you read my mind. I too am on the journey of accepting that creativity makes up me as a person. That it is inside of me and I need to feed it. I thought that what town or space I was in was the creative fuel but after having travelled to lots of different types of towns and spaces on our trip – and seeing how when a town didn’t inspire me and I shut my creativity down as a response – I felt less like me than ever before. That made me see that I feed my creative soul not something external and that I need to do it every day.
    No space for a studio on the bus but I am glad to catch the little cracks in the day too. Those cracks take me to different places I sometimes don’t expect.
    Thanks for sharing my thoughts so well ⭐️


    • Natalie those unexpected moments are the best, any sort of creativity is excellent in my view, but when you get an added bonus surprise along with it…that’s a win. A learning curve, a thought process you hadn’t begun to sprout yet, an ‘ah ha’ moment….ahhh all so good, (and so is travelling around in a Bedford!!)


  6. I’ve been struggling to fit creativity in – but I did knock up a skirt as a birthday gift for my daughters friend this week!


  7. Beautiful words and so true. I don’t mind weaving creative time into the small windows of opportunity. It makes it feel all quite organic (even if a hectic sort of organic)


  8. I always enjoy your photographs. I use to think that too but now I honour my inner creative self. It’s boot wearing weather isn’t it and how cool are yours.


  9. Lovely boots! It certainly is time to bring the boots out of the back of the wardrobe. I’m happy to run around outside at this time of the year as long as I’m warm xx


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