Loving… The quiet time of summer

sunrise || cityhippyfarmgirl

There’s a warmth to the air at 5.25am. If I close my eyes it almost feels like a soft sheet brushing over my skin. I don’t though, for I’m riding. Riding to catch a sunrise. Riding in the quiet of the pre-dawn. The city around me is quiet, nobody needs my attention at this time. Too early to start the day, I have left my loved ones at home, while I ride to welcome in the sun.


It’s 12pm and it’s quiet. The chaos creators have paused in their carnage and instead direct it to their lunch plates. After a busy morning doing busyness. They have stopped for a minute or two and hungrily wolf down their food, it’s good to see after so long of sickness and not wanting to eat.

Quiet except for the odd slurp, munch and muffled noises of food appreciation. It won’t last long, their recharge time is blink and you’ll miss it.


It’s 2pm and it’s quiet. Small girls still need naps to enable them to conquer the afternoon of possible dragons, rumbles, leaping, soccer and tea parties. Air outside so hot, it drapes itself over your shoulders, if you dare to step out that is. Lulling you and everyone in its path into a sleepy slumber. Summer holiday time, and those hot weekend siestas are a welcome respite.

cityhippyfarmgirl.comcandles || cityhippyfarmgirl

It’s 9pm, and it’s quiet. A candle flickers. A summer time bug gets lured a little closer. The small ones sleep, the sleep of the contented. Nightmares have been banished for tonight as there is a small posse of dinosaurs and lego figures standing guard. The night-time sleep of summer holiday children.

Our adult voices are lowered and our thoughts quieted. Sandy shoes at the door, tell a story of late evening beach wanderings. Another hot day, but this one ending with deep chuckles and muffled belly laughs. Loving that.


[“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE]

19 thoughts on “Loving… The quiet time of summer

  1. Beautiful words…..saviour those Summer days with your young family….those days pass by so quickly.
    Thank you for the quote….something we all should take on board, me especially!


  2. Lego peeps and dinsosaurs are mighty powerful protectors aren’t they. It really is worth getting out of bed to capture that magnificent sunrise. Our hot sticky days riding around the neighbourhood have mostly ended with welcoming rain.


  3. So many beautiful, quiet moments to savour there Brydie. I felt like I was riding right there beside you. So glad to hear your little people are better and enjoying their summer holiday. Soak up those last couple of weeks! xx


  4. Wow, what beautiful words (and photos of course) and a real reminder of a lovely way to capture moments (and stop for a few moments) like I love to do in a journal for my 3 year old to look at later in life. Thank you for the inspiration!


  5. I can taste and feel your joy. Your post has been well shared and aired and a tiny nondescript day in January 2015, a mere speck on the face of time, has been given a name and recognised. A lovely and peaceful description of an Aussie summers day Ms Cityhippyfarmgirl and you took us all along for the ride. LOVE that 5am sunrise. I see it every day but mine isn’t right on the water and what magnificent water it is. Some early mornings we feel that blanket of heat at 5am when we walk our dogs but thankfully those days are few and far between. It’s cold here this morning. I just put a fluffy blanket on Earl who huddled up to me all night. The heat makes me turn into a mindless potato. I need a bit of cool to activate my mind. Love the waftings you are sending down in your post. Cyber-heat…my favourite kind 😉


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