kitchen crumbs

sourdough || cityhippyfarmgirl

There isn’t a lot of fancy gadgetry in my kitchen. I don’t yearn for many things, mostly I make do and am learning if it doesn’t serve my cooking purposes? Well, I may as well just get rid of it. There is no point what so ever in things taking up crucial cupboard space. A heavy, too small mixing bowl was recently replaced with a much lighter stainless steel bigger one. I think my kitchen cupboard and I both sighed in relief on swapping them over.

There has also been the obligatory bread. I can imagine there will always be bread crumbs in my kitchen. Without a loaf or too? Oh it’s very hard to imagine that!

berries || cityhippyfarmgirl

Berries have been devoured round here lately. Mostly they don’t make it to the table. Mostly they are inhaled by the kitchen bench top… (and mostly I don’t get much of a look in with said berries.)

enamalware teapot || cityhippyfarmgirl

There is also the sweetest little enamelware teapot now gracing my bench top. Given to me from a wonderful considerate friend, who really is the bees knees. I feel very lucky.

organic vegetables || cityhippyfarmgirl

My weekly Ooooby goodness delivered to the door. A wonderful benefit of living in the city.


And cinnamon rolls. There’s nothing left of these but kitchen crumbs.


What’s happening in your kitchen?

(linking in with the kitchen Queen Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial)


30 thoughts on “kitchen crumbs

  1. The bread is gorgeous. I do like the sound of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and getting rid of the things that aren’t being used and are taking up valuable space. My pantry is long overdue for an overhaul and I’m wondering if I might attempt it today – it needs a complete sorting xx


  2. Brydie, that little teapot is seriously cute! I haven’t seen an enamel teapot for years! And I think you’re very wise – I’m gradually trading in my heavy cookware for lighter versions. I think it’s proactive – we want to preserve our hands and joints for bread baking for as long as we can! 🙂 And speaking of bread – seriously gorgeous looking loaves and buns! Have a wonderfully festive December! xxx


  3. Hmmm! I was lucky enough to bring home an Oscar juicer yesterday after coveting it for 7, maybe 8 years…all good things come to those who wait? My son loves juices, the healthier the better, and I’m looking forward to making sorbets and nut butter…:) I made twice baked stuffed potatoes with kale and bacon last night. Neither of the kids were impressed, but Alex and I loved them :). Also polishing off the last of the caramel banana cake…


  4. i had to enrol the help of a daughter to fix a broken shelf in a difficult to access cupboard last week because i’ve hurt my knee and i can’t kneel down or bend my leg (wish i could say my torn ligament is the result of a sporting injury but i did it digging in the garden)..a week earlier i had managed to clean my oven by sitting on the the floor but trouble was i couldn’t then get up..there i was lying on my back like a stuck beetle laughing like mad at the crazy situation..anyway what i really wanted to say was that i used the opportunity to cull quite a bit of was a good feeling..but i tell you what brydie my enamel teapots are going nowhere..never..not while i’m your teapot (of course) and those rolls have got me itching to bake..x


    • Culling is good. Gosh so good. I did multiple rooms yesterday and I’m sure our home feels lighter. Well it will do when I move the piles of unneeded out of the front door.
      I’m sorry to hear your knee is giving you problems Jane. Knees are really important!! (Especially for getting up from the floor!)


  5. Everything looks yummy Brydie. Love your teapot. In my kitchen there has been Impossible Quiche made with greens from my garden, stir fry with carrots and shallots from our garden, blueberry muffins, porridge, salads with quinoa. I can’t wait for tomatoes, it’s a bit early for them down here. Hope you have a great week. xo


    • Impossible quiche eh?…I had no idea that was a thing! How did I not know that??
      Love the sounds of all your cooking Julie, I’d happily squish my nose up against your kitchen window begging for scraps any day 🙂


  6. Yummy food in your house! I’m not one for gadgets either – I’ve really pared down to just what we need (except those little tart tins, which I just might use one of these days for a special occasion…)


  7. If I was to a Google search for “perfect loaf of bread”…that photo is what would pop up first in the list. What a magnificent steed of a loaf! I must admit, I am a bowl freak. I have a large mountain of bowlescent beauty on my thick bamboo counter top that await my every lustful pleasure. I also have a stack of less pretty bowls under my chopping block that are used for less tactile pleasures (cutting up the dogs meat for their dehydrated steak treats) and my bowl cupboard (yes…doesn’t everyone have a cupboard specifically for bowls? 😉 ) is full to the brim with lovely bowls. I find the bowl shape eminently satisfying and incredibly tactile. I really doubt that I would ever get rid of even one of them. In saying that, Stevie-boy is trying his hardest to minimise my bowl fetish by dropping them…sigh…

    I have an incredible harvest of blueberries just starting to get that gorgeous silvery blush before they start to turn the most magnificent purple/blue that gives them their namesake. I can’t wait to start picking them. I also got to taste my very first ever fresh raspberry from our new raspberry bushes. We have been picking the odd ripe strawberry from our poor neglected plants as well and we just planted out 2 thornless youngberries and a thornless loganberry to join the crew. The more the merrier and we have yet to plant out our kiwiberry baby that is starting to climb the bergamot in my mint pot it is that keen!

    That enamelware teapot is absolutely beautiful. Again, it’s that gloriously fecund round shape that you can hold in both hands (I don’t advise it when it is full of hot tea 😉 ) that makes bowls and teapots deliciously holdable.

    Not a lot of cooking happening in my kitchen but a whole lot of feverish craftwork. I have been working 24/7 to get a surprise Christmas gift crafted and ready to gift my eldest daughter next Sunday (early Christmas for us as the kids are spending the “real” Christmas with my ex and his family 🙂 ). We decided that we are all over handing around gift vouchers and cash as we may as well just start at one side and hand the same money around for all of the thought that goes into that kind of a gift. We decided that we all need to think more about the giftee and to make something for them that is completely and utterly “them”. I thought long and hard and what I made is not only a complete one off that has been customised out the wazoo and that comes from a conglomerate of online patterns and sources, but it has taught me SO many things in the process. I have learned an amazing array of abilities over the last 3 months of creating this gift and whenever you turn your hand to creating something for someone that you love, you end up feeding yourself that wonderful anticipation of “giving” in the process that I think gets entirely lost whenever we outsource our gift giving. So it’s eggs on toast, reheated soup from the freezer (albeit Stevie-boys delicious “Soup Dragon” soup), lots of toast and CRAFT 101 going on in Narf7’s kitchen. I finished it last night at 11pm. Cest FINIS! 🙂


    • Yay! You finished it! So do we get a peek? Please say we do…I’m dying to know what you and Steve made for the girls.
      Your raspberries are raspberry-ing already? How can this be? Didn’t we just talk about them being put in, (or have I missed a whole chunk of time once more and yes it’s time for the canes to fruit?)


      • All will be revealed on Wednesday 17th. I am off to a Ben Folds meets the Tassie Symphony Orchestra concert this Wednesday so Stevie-boy is in charge of posting for the day so I am going to have to fend off his legion of admirers with a stick ;). My raspberries were gifted to me by a good friend and are second year canes so they had raspberries this year. I might even get some yellow ones to add to the red collection. Stevie-boy and I huddled around our 3 raspberries like poor little match children warming our hands on a candle. There wasn’t much of them but they were amazing. Hard to carve raspberries but where there is a will, there’s a way! 😉 There will be more soon but those were the first (and the sweetest 🙂 )


  8. The first years of our marriage we moved or lived in 9 places in the the first 26 years we were together. We never managed to accumulate too much stuff. Now we have been in the same place 12 years. It scares me to think all the useless stuff we have acquired.


  9. That teapot is absolutely gorgeous, as is the loaf of bread. Truly magazine worthy. The fresh produce also all looks so delicious. I have a feeling after Christmas I will be giving my kitchen the once over again and getting rid of several items I never use. I do still love my cast iron though despite it being heavy. Happy Holidays!


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