at night in the city

Sydney city || cityhippyfarmgirl

opera house sydney || cityhippyfarmgirl

cityscape Sydney || cityhippyfarmgirl

luna park Sydney || cityhippyfarmgirl

 Today a bit more city,

than the hippy and the farm.

Big city

Sydney city

at night city

and Luna Park in a puddle

(a city puddle.)

24 thoughts on “at night in the city

  1. Awesome photos Brydie. I have only been to Sydney once or twice as an adult and I love it! These photos remind me to get back there soon! Your night time photography is beautiful…my photos are still really ‘hit and miss’ at night. Any tips? x


    • None what so ever Jane! Night photography is completely out of my comfort zone and to be honest so are city shots. It’s a whole lot of space to make work, photographing a loaf of bread is a hell of a lot easier! These were done on a tripod, and f10 I think, and given that they are iconic images makes it easier…I need to practise though!


  2. Gorgeous photos Brydie. You’ve really captured the night lights and the harbour. I lived there for ten years and you’ve made me miss it a bit x


  3. HAHAHAHA! I just read the title of your post and immediately thought “A night at the Opera” and there you are, blazing the Operatic equivalent of a tiara all over your post. Luna Park in a puddle…what deliciousness. Pity Luna Park in the rain wouldn’t be quite so delicious. The city looks so clean when it has rained. The crisp brilliance of light after rain is magnificent. Everything reflects and poses and behaves impeccably. Gorgeous stuff Ms Cityhippyfarmgirl and SOOOOO much kudos on your recent bready deliciousness post on Milkwood. I was UBER impressed :). I may, or may not have gushed about it 🙂


      • It was a most excellent post and MAN did I gush! I gushed so much that Kirsten said “Oh stop it – we’re lucky to have her!” So true. I love it when 2 awesome and most fantastic blogs share their gorgeousness and we get to bask in the results 🙂


  4. Beautiful! Were these all taken from Kirribilli-ish? We visit Sydney often, but rarely go near the famous sites – you’re reminding me I should probably make sure my children see the Opera House once at least 🙂


  5. Pingback: out of the city… | cityhippyfarmgirl

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