5 things my kitchen would be completely lost without

Five things my kitchen would be completely lost without. Not necessarily the top five, but five none the less.

French Breakfast Tea || cityhippyfarmgirl

Tea– completely and utterly lost without tea. I’ve got different types of tea stashed all over the place. Each one for a completely different reason for drinking. Calming, immunity, morning booster, to be drunk slowly. And different teas, different cups. I had no idea I had a ‘thing’ about this until I sat down and thought about it. Standard black every day tea bags? Not a chance. Loose leaf if you please, and rather a lot of Love Chai Love Tea. (I’m up to buying the 500g amounts of chai- told you I was serious about my tea.)

anzac biscuits || cityhippyfarmgirl

Something baked– With school age kiddos and one pint sized one. Snacks are a given round these parts. Hunger wails seem never ending, and little containers seem to be constantly refilled.

ooooby vegetables || cityhippyfarmgirl

Vegetables– I can not imagine my world without vegetables in some shape or form. This booty was from late summer, but winter goodies are just as wonderful.

Bread knife– never under estimate the virtues of a good bread knife. Never. Especially when you make rather a lot of sourdough.

sourdough potato and rosemary bread || cityhippyfarmgirlSourdough- Nothing more, nothing less. It’s always there in some form or another. What about you, have you thought about making a starter before? It’s dead easy, give it a crack if you are interested here.

What are five things your kitchen would be completely lost with out?


Linking in with the lovely Celia of Fig Jam Lime Cordial fame this month. 


58 thoughts on “5 things my kitchen would be completely lost without

  1. gorgeous list! Mine would be: 1. Dishwasher. I have two stages of life: pre-dishwasher and post dishwasher. just joking (sort of) 🙂 2. coffee things (coffee, espresso pot, milk frother) 3. Spices, all kinds. 4. fruit bowl 5. something baked, like your kitchen. Your tea description made me laugh – I drink two types: plain black tea bags and home made chai 🙂


  2. Great list Brydie! Mine would be: tea, but my beloved Dilmah Earl Grey; my Shun knives; tomato sauce for my husband- he can’t live without it; the Soda Stream maker- but we never ever flavour the bubbles and the built in water filter tap 🙂


  3. I’ve been seriously thinking of making a sourdough starter. With bub close to arriving though, I’m wondering whether I’d remember to tend it as much as it needs… maybe something for future Lisa to think about instead.

    Love tea. There’s something about the whole loose leaf ritual that is soothing and calming.


    • Oh it is isn’t it. The ritual of it all is something I never tire off.
      Have a think about the starter, it’s a lot of fun and highly addictive once you get going. Give me a yell if you have any specific questions, (if you decide to give it a crack that is 🙂


  4. I am with you on all these but the tea – though I have been more into tea lately – still into bags but maybe it is time to break into some looseleaf – have had too much of the stuff ignored over the last few years though years ago I loved using it. One thing that comes to mind that I love in my kitchen is my vegie peeler which I use heaps and I have just lost my favourite and am really missing it. And some good chopping boards are important too.


  5. Love your kitchen Brydie, so wholesome and comforting. There are just so many essentials when I think about it…I will try for 5. A sturdy enamel teapot, some sort of coffee making implement, a chunky wooden chopping board, natural yoghurt and bread/bakers flour x


    • Jane there are oodles of important things for the kitchen isn’t there. I wonder what we would all pick if you had a five minute decision and could only pick 5 things…forever. (Thankfully this morning no decisions like this shall be made.)


  6. I like your style! My top 5 are the same as yours (mine has to be an exceptionally sturdy bread knife some days) but I can live without tea, so I’ll replace that with my AGA cooker because not only does it cook beautifully but it heats the kitchen too, making it the place for everyone to hang out.


  7. I really can’t choose just 5 all time kitchen favs…ok, my new Ariston induction cooktop and oven, how I cooked anything BC (Before Cookware) is beyond me; my Shun chefs knife that my dad bought back from Japan for me; my giant heavy breadboard I got for 70% off at Harris Scarfe; my Nespresso machine (ok, I could live without it and go back to Nescafé, but I simply shan’t); and last are my Tupperware Fridgemates, used instead of a crisper in the fridge, veggies last for donkeys!

    Lovely peek into your seemingly serene kitchen 🙂


  8. Your tea looks so pretty !

    My five would be-
    Bread, preferably sourdough but ciabatta is good too.
    Butter- to go with the bread if course!
    Flour- I can whip up breakfast, lunch & dinner as long as I have flour
    Eggs- same as flour.
    My bread board- it’s been with my for many years & my kitchen wouldn’t feel like home without it.


    • It is such a pretty tea. It tasting good is just an added bonus 🙂
      Now a good bread board is so important isn’t it. Chopping down on something flimsy and moving around…oooh, it just doesn’t cut it (no really :-))


  9. Baked goods – #1. Tea in the colder months. I actually just cleaned out the tea drawer today and found some good herbal, fruity loose teas that I received as gifts. Need to buy more chai though – the season is coming.


  10. Gorgeous photo’s and I’m with you on the tea especially with such a pretty little tea pot! A friend just gave me a sourdough starter but I think I haven’t fed it properly so will start again. My 5 are; tea (Early Grey is my fav), my Thermomix, my yellow Kitchen Aid, any form of baked good and Lindt Roasted Almond Dark Chocolate which is just for me as a treat after the kids have gone to bed!


  11. I often value the moment that come with the kitchen item too – *when I pick up my red cast iron pot , I remember staring at it through the window for months before I parted with my cash and being so excited about the day when I could buy it *my old Kenwood soap making mixmaster from the op shop where the op shop lady with a wistful smile said ,’I hope you enjoy this ….my friend brought this down to the shop because she is going into a nursing home and it was her most prize possession’ and I made a promise to love it forever ….. and my tagine because I love it when my husband comes in and a grin comes over his face as he smells something special cooking .
    Also – extra kitchen item – have chocolate hidden in the cleaning cupboard …no one but me ever goes there.


    • Love the stories behind some of your things Kim. Love it. I often think of my kitchen things that have stories to go with them and I bloody love that they have them. My chipped ikea bowls, not so much…if only someone would drop the lot of them and I could replace them, (I remain hopeful.)
      And wise advice with the chocolate 🙂


  12. Oh, I’d have to add knekkebrød and brown cheese to that list. And anchovies. And eggs and pickled herring… Difficult to think of only 5 items, but coffee seems to have helped me a lot in the mornings. The early, early, early mornings. 🙂


    • Coffee is necessary in parenthood Turid. I’m sure of it. I have one carefully planned cup each day, and I loooove it.
      I was thinking of your brown cheese and I was wondering if there was anywhere I could source it to try. Will do some investigating.


      • I’ve been searching the web, trying to find scandinavian online shops in Oz, but no luck so far. I can recommend this cheese: Synnove Gudbrandsdalsost. It’s the one we usually buy. Mom brings it over from Norway whenever she comes to visit..


  13. What a fun post! My five things are decaf coffee, chocolate, my chef’s knife, my one Le Creuset pot, and my herb shelf (the entire shelf counts as one, right?). I would have said vegetables, too, but chocolate won out. 🙂


  14. This was a fun post. Some of the top five were easy and the last couple it was hard to narrow it down. 1. Tea, lots of kinds all of it loose. 2. Teaware – tea kettle, tea pot, cozy and a china cup or mug two. 3. Electric Griddle 4. Baked goods and 5. good knives. Boy is that an eclectic mix.


  15. Lemon because it makes everything taste better. Butter because it makes everything taste better. Freshly ground coffee because it marks the breaks in my busy day. Brown rice because it makes me feel like I am being healthy. Chocolate because, actually, I am not that healthy.


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