city puddles

splashes || cityhippyfarmgirl The lure of the city puddle.

Completely pointless in keeping her out of them.

24 thoughts on “city puddles

  1. Gorgeous. Ah, puddles are one of the best things about winter when you’re a kid! Or adult… I do admit to jumping in puddles with my friend’s three year old a few weeks ago. Wet, muddy fun! xx


    • I remember watching a few years ago, a large family walking along the footpath. One of the smaller kids ran up and jumped into a big puddle, soaking their mother. I held my breath a little waiting for the telling off I thought the child would get…instead the mother jumped into the puddle as well and splashed the kid back much to his delight. The whole family walked away laughing. Made my day Laura.


  2. Striped tights, frilled socks, a pair of gummies – All the things that are fun in life. 🙂 The car park at my work seems to have a constant supply of puddles for jumping, something about a good puddle jump that really brightens my day, nope, I don’t think ya should stop her from puddle playing, its the little things right?! 🙂


  3. I realized that I’ve gotten a little obsessed with taking pictures when I actually encouraged my little babe to jump in the puddles at the park so that I could try and practice my action shots! You captured a great one! And I love the new layout – simple and beautiful.


    • Katie I think that’s a good obsession to have though. The cameras are addictive aren’t they.
      Thanks for noticing the blog changes too, a much needed change that feels like a breath of fresh air.


  4. Gorgeous photo and I am guessing that you had the camera carefully placed on the ground? Either that, or YOU were laying on your stomach in the puddle. That’s what I call photographic dedication 😉


    • I didn’t lay down on this one but I did lay in a mound of fennel which was rather surprising on the weekend in order to get a shot. I smelt it before I realised, most odd considering I was at a lookout in the centre of the city.


      • Fennel will do that, amazing scent in the middle of the city…sounds like the start to an interesting novel let alone an excellent image 😉


  5. that must be one of the most urban photos I have seen on your blog – gorgeous as always – we had sylvia’s school shoes drying in front of the heater with newspaper in them this week after she found a puddle irresistible!!!


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