well hello 2014

hello 2014- cityhippyfarmgirl

well hello 2014

it’s kind of lovely to see you here

all sparkly and new

with your promises and options a plenty

I like it

a new chapter

a new branch of the apple tree.

So what’s coming up in this little space?…

there will be a slice of Cherry and Rhubarb Pie

a moment of pride

conversations on the ethics of what we eat

and I’m hoping, a new challenge


lets get crackin.


How about you? What plans do you have for the next month, or if you are a super duper planner, what’s coming up for the whole year?

41 thoughts on “well hello 2014

  1. Happy new year to you and your family – I do so love the sparkliness of January 1 🙂

    I’ve also been meaning to let you know that I asked for Changing Gears for Christmas, and got it, and read it, and LOVED it! Thanks for the recommendation – and I loved your mention in it too xo


    • It’s an awesome read isn’t it Kari. I’m so glad you loved it. So many parts of the book made me think far longer than just the reading of the page… and I’m afraid I can never look at dhal again without chuckling a little and thinking “communal hippy slop”.

      (I’m famous now after my paragraph mention right? ;-))


  2. Happy New Year Brydie! IT is a shiny , shiny year ahead.For the new year on the farm we are milking a new goat and making cheese,hatching baby chicks ( they hatched on new years eve) and of course, reading your lovely blog.


  3. ;Conversations about the ethics of food – I’m in for that one! (Says the organic/local vegetarian, or is that local, then organic vegetarian – which one is better? Lots to discuss.)


  4. Happy 2014 – Year of the Horse (bye bye Dragon). SPiCEY son and I are doing origami so it’s on the brain. Wishing you a fantastic crop for your pie & many many more.

    We bought a Barbados cherry a month or so ago, which gifted us with about a dozen wonderful fruits so I’m hoping to make pie myself this year. 😉

    Looking forward to your blog for 2014.


  5. Happy New Year! 2014 is hopefully the year that we get on top of Serendipity Farms processes and arrive at the other side after taming at least some of the beast. Starting out the year with painting the deck, railings and part of the exterior of the house…nothing like starting out how you mean to finish off ;).


      • I guess we did that this year as well…we started prepping the deck last year (on Monday) and are hard at it still… I like the cut of your jib ma’am! Carry on… you are doing a sterling job! 🙂


  6. happy new year brydie to you and your dear family..i’m looking forward to your food ethics posts..and all the others too..x


  7. Happy new year, Brydie! I’m planning on learning some new gluten free desserts and knitting a few shawls of wool- plus dong some more traveling to New York to visit my grandsons in the coming
    months- also a couple of trips to the eastern shore and some weeks at the Atlantic Ocean beach.
    More of the same – but with completely joyous results!


  8. Happy New Year! I’m excited to hear your thoughts on food and ethics and of course all your yummy food posts. Starting tomorrow making yoghurt and fruit ice-cream (no sugar) for our summer treats; lots of walks around the lake; and crafting projects before the big boy goes back to school. The time will go quick!


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