cutting, stamping and tying

    how to make gift labels- cityhippyfarmgirl making labels- cityhippyfarmgirlhow to make labels- cityhippyfarmgirl

It’s dark outside

and everyone is asleep,

except for one

One who is cutting, stamping and tying,

now what do I need again?

brown paper for jam jar tops

brown cardboard


hole punch

scissors I’ve had for 26 years

new stamps to play with from here

recycled glass jars

and the afternoon before of a hot sticky kitchen, making jam

gifts ready to go

and a bed that is calling


What are you making at the moment?

* linking into the inspiring My Creative Space

43 thoughts on “cutting, stamping and tying

  1. I’ve made Christmas chutney and topped the jars with photocopied Christmas carol music scores and some red crochet ribbon. Love your stamps….might have to treat myself!!


  2. These are beautiful!
    We are making custom cards which resemble our food gardens in our backyard mini-food forest. Next year I hope to be making (as classes for the kid)s: fig n cherry jams – basil n kale pesto – dried tea packets and homemade cheese with herbs n veggies from the garden and maybe even a few bamboo shoot recipes. 🙂
    Be well.

    May you know the SPiCE in life!


  3. I love your packaging Brydie, it is perfect. I have made hundreds of mini gingerbread men which I will be giving to everyone at Christmas time. I do love a homemade gift and thoughtful, creative packaging. So much nicer than the generic/supermarket Christmas stuff.


  4. I’m giving knitting needles and yarn along with lessons to one family, knitted fingerless gloves to my sister, caramel corn to my neighbors, cinnamon rolls to my little old lady friends, frozen quiche and muffins to my nieces, bread bears, angel rolls, and yeasty dinner rolls to my family and trays of cookies to anyone else who comes by with a gift. And toys- lots of toys for my little boys!
    That apricot jam sure looks great! I’m going to buy some to put into the cookies I’m making on Friday!


  5. I am making hay while the sun shines…literally. I am making hay while the sun shines because otherwise we will get a letter from the council giving us a fine for not clearing a firebreak around our back block. I am content with the sun shining for the next couple of days and am maniacally attempting to finish a 15m firebreak around our 4 acre property before the sun stops shining and starts acting like a magnifying glass with me playing the part of an ant…wish me luck…I am going in! 😉


      • Turns out I was nobbled…Steve forgot to tell me where the 2 stroke oil is and the whipper snipper won’t run on petrol alone (or so I am told) so I get a day off…lucky really, it’s blog post day and I had completely forgotten about it 😉


  6. I absolutely love those stamps. These jars look so gorgeous. And you’ve been making apricot jam? Where did you find the apricots? I love apricot jam but haven’t made my own as thought it would be cost prohibitive xx


    • They certainly have been for the last few years haven’t they. I think there have been a few consecutive bad growing seasons. These little fellas, while not super duper cheap have been definitely doable though- I’m three batches in!


  7. Did the apricots come from your own tree? I’ve just moved house last week and found I am blessed with a lemon tree and two apricot trees… but the apricot trees seem to be a bit sick, there’s no fruit and the leaves look a bit yukky… any thoughts? Last year I baked up a storm, this year, I’m afraid all I managed were a few chocolates! Next year…apricot jam and lemon curd!


    • I wish Sam! Alas no trees for me, but a tiny selection of pots. One day, one day…
      Not sure about your trees but how wonderful is that to have established trees! Hope you can find what sort of love they need and for them to be fruiting a plenty for you next year.


  8. How beautiful. We have hand made goat milk soap in little gift bags. It seems that hand made is catching, you think your teenage kids think you are not cool , then you catch them making hand made gifts just like you .- JB made bottle openers with a nail and a piece of wood and G made funky head bands.


  9. Gorgeous, Brydie! Love the styling as always… so unique and personalised, my favourite type of Christmas gifts!! I do hope that you and your family will have a beautiful Christmas and a restful new year. Thanks for being a wonderful blogging friend, I look forward to many more adventures in the new year! x


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