love on a long weekend



This past weekend was a long one. There is a lot to love about long weekends.

I loved two consecutive hot cups of tea. Instead of the usual tepid first one and and stone cold second. (Throwing caution to the wind, I did try for a third…with tepid results.)

I also loved finally turning a corner with the mixy-matchy ‘I’m really not sure about this coming together’ blanket. I’m still not sure, but not as not sure as before.

We explored, and visited and spent time with loved family. Ending in long waves out car windows until they were just specks in the distance.

There were cousins and sunsets, long talks and games.

Not to forget that there was also cake. Scrumptious cakes on long weekends, bought from farmers markets and eaten with loved ones. That’s a pretty good long weekend I think.


13 thoughts on “love on a long weekend

  1. I was drawn in by the Mills & Boon post title Brydie! Sounds like a lovely long weekend. The chocolate-flecked meringue looks gorgeous. That one extra day can mean a lot can’t it! Found it tricky to explain to my boys though, just exactly why we have a holiday for the Queen’s birthday but we aren’t invited to her party!


  2. I have the same blue teapot – and it’s always out – never put away. All the fancier teapots sit in cupboards waiting for occasions before making a special appearance, but trusty little blue is never far from reach. RE your post Brydie – you have such a flair for writing.


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