what’s shakin’ in my kitchen this month


There has been a whole lot of things happening in my kitchen lately, which means a truck sized amount of dishes to balance that out.

There have been delicate raspberries to sit on top of a birthday cake. Little Monkey was keen on eating them before they got to the top of the cake and had to be repeatedly reminded that weren’t getting to the cake via his mouth.

hearts copy

Simple vanilla biscuits for Valentines Day.

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Surprisingly tasty seasonal salads, with a salute to summer.

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A goody hamper very kindly given to me, full of ohhhh so many good things.

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On my kitchen table sat, his and her ice cream after a remarkably crappy day….yep, that really does make things a whole lot better. (Maggie Beer your ice cream is ridiculously deliciously delectable, making them in smaller containers was a wise, wise choice.)


New old kitchen tea towels. Excellent quality and someone has already broken them in for me, which means none of that not-soaking-up-moisture business when they are still new.little feet

And on my kitchen floor stands my little helper. Chubby fingers wrapping around my legs, while I cook and bake, as she sings me her baby song.


What’s shakin’ in your kitchen?

Have a look at the lovely Celia’s kitchen for other kitchen happenings.

35 thoughts on “what’s shakin’ in my kitchen this month

  1. Lovely post! Gorgeous raspberries and chubby baby legs. I absolutely love Maggie Beer’s dark choc orange ice cream too. Possibly my most favourite ice cream ever. Love your vintage tea towels – I have a soft spot for them too, especially kitschy Australian ones. What’s shakin’ in my kitchen? My son’s pet caterpillar, in his little terrarium, growing enormous as he hasn’t stopped eating; 2 kilos of dark red tomatoes ready for saucing; and our coffee machine, which has now warmed up. Have a lovely Sunday.


    • Saskia that sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday. The icecream, yep I think Maggie’s is definitely my favourite too, although it’s the quince or burnt fig jam ones that have me eyeing off the whole tub. Goodness me, what does she put in that stuff!!!


  2. You got a hamper too! Yours looks very interesting. I love your Valentine’s Day Vanilla biscuits. And those raspberries look too perfect to eat. Yes, we’re eating salads too, desperately in an attempt to string out summer for as long as possible xx


  3. Cute little legs! I hate how tea towels need to be broken in, I always wash them once or twice first but it doesn’t always work. Ice cream certainly does make things better, doesn’t it? I hope things got better for you sweetie x


  4. It all looks lovely – the salad looks just what I want for lunch and I could happily follow it with that ice cream – a scoop of each please! And I love the fabrics – the tea towels and the toddler dress


  5. Your kitchen is always filled with JOY! Even after a crappy day, you have some realy interesting ice cream- those flavors sound wonderful!
    I, too, like the vintage towels- the colors are so bright and cheerful. I’d love a couple of those raspberries- and OHH! Those baby legs- so cute.
    Thanks, Brydie for sharing.


  6. Hi Brydie, I love the heart shaped biscuits, I can only assume they were for Mr Chocolate:) I also love your tea towels. I have so many of them that used to be my mum’s (She used to collect them on her travels). But best of all are the cute little legs from your little helper!!


    • Those tea towels are so much nicer than your every day run of the of mill ones aren’t they, (even better if you’ve got your mums old ones from her travels!)
      Biscuits, yes they were for Mr Chocolate…although the The Monkeys seemed to have schnaffled most of them.


  7. Brydie, if IMK was a contest (which it’s not) you would WIN this month for those teeny tiny feet!! Gorgeous baby girl, you’re growing up so fast! Is that one of your dresses, B? It’s very cute! The raspberries look divine, and the heart cookies are so very elegant. Thanks for the peek into your sunny kitchen! 🙂


  8. Such nice thingies in your kitchen and I love, love, love those chubby legs of your littlke kitchen helper – adorable!


  9. Chubby-chubs are a keeper! Those raspberries look tempting too. Nothing much happenin’ in my kitchen lately, but, then, that’s normal. LOL. Enjoying the milder weather today after our recent heat-wave. It’s Grand Prix weekend and I’ve been hearing those rather large mosquitoes goin’ ’round the track nearby. 🙂


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