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“Often life’s pleasures pass us by simply because we don’t take a moment to focus on them… Make a point of noticing everyday something that uplifts your spirit or tickles your heart… Stop to breathe in the joy of this moment and then tell someone about it. Share your joy and revel in it. When your joy is savoured, and then shared, it is magnified…” ROBIN GRILLE

Giving a good friend the gift of captured moments I had taken over the past six months of her kids. I loved doing this and I’m really thankful that she let me do it. Nothing structured, just my camera and what ever they were doing at the time. The only way I’m going to get better at something is to practise, practise, practise. Being able to take, in the moment shots of someone else’s kids, well that’s a pretty special thing to be able to do.

Running in the rain early on a Sunday morning.

Watching little legs dance, and little hands clapping with glee. Infectious smiles as there really is nothing funnier than a small baby dancing.

New exciting beginnings of pre-school for Little Monkey. With his bag swinging and a skip in his step he goes. Breathe mama, breathe…

Little people bunting sent to, well little people. I quite enjoy sending surprise packages, actually I love it.

And, spending time with loved family members that I don’t get to see that often. Truly loving that.

If anyone else would like to do a ‘loving this week’ post, (or simply write something in the comments). Please let me know, link back to this post and I’ll do a link up. I would love to know about those little moments in your week that have tickled your heart.

Take a look at what the lovely Kari has been enjoying lately. 

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19 thoughts on “loving…

  1. Getting the keys to our new house.
    Picking our colours and furniture for our new house.
    Walking around our new house without an estate agent in tow.
    Starting intermittent fasting and loving it.
    Loving it all actually.


  2. Loving that each day brings another string of moments to learn and grow.
    Loving the beauty around us-
    loving the time spent with those whose lives are filled with integrity and truth.
    Loving this post- 🙂


  3. I will be doing this on Wednesday (a bit late, because of Australia Day falling on the weekend!) 🙂 I’ll link back when I do.

    I love your pictures, and am sure your friend loves the photos you took for her. What a wonderful gift. Lots of luck for the preschool transition too! (Or has it happened already? In which case fingers crossed it stays smooth.) Exciting times for you and your little daughter to get up to mischief with just the two of you 🙂


  4. I’m not loving this week; heaps of rain in SE Qld and our fences on the riverflat have washed away. Challenging times in this awful weather.
    I did a similar thing to you with the photo gift except mine was for my neighbour Philomena and the subject was her house. They’ve sold and they’re waiting to finalise tickets to go back home to live in Europe. They spent twenty five years in that house, and one day when I knew they were at a wedding and wouldn’t be home till late, I went down there with my camera, sneaked inside the gate and spent an hour taking pics.
    Together with some old time photos of friends and special events, I put together the 300plus photos in the album with a pic of her letter box and address on the cover. When I gave it to her, she cried like a baby, so I told her not to look at it till she gets to Europe. It feels good to do these things which comes from love and is something money just can’t buy.


    • A beautiful thing to do Mariana. I will bet she will treasure those photos for a long time to come. I did a similar thing for my mum before she moved, but still haven’t put them all together in a book yet.

      I really hope that rain eases for you. Soggy here too, but not as soggy as round your way.


  5. Lovely bunting and wrapping! The photo project sounds amazing – so many photos taken these days that we all seem to have trouble organising them. And hope that kinder is lots of fun for your wee man.


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