surprisingly good chocolate hazelnut brownie


I think hazelnut chocolate is my second favourite chocolate, I boldly declared to Mr Chocolate.

It’s not quite as good as marzipan, but it’s definitely up there… trailing off just a little as I mused on the merits of both of them.

Yep… hazelnut and chocolate, they go really well together.

After voicing my new-found decision of having a second favourite chocolate, I decided I needed to revisit the taste as quickly as possible. Just in case my bold statement had been made in haste. Chocolate…check. Hazelnuts…check. Fifteen minute window period to put it all together?…check. Melt, stir, pour, bake.

It seemed too easy.

Usually my baking needs a few tweaks, a change here and there, and trialled a few times to get it right. So I was surprised after tasting a corner of this one to find it worked just the way it was. I tried another corner just to make sure. No, seemed fine there too. A third corner? Yep, pretty similar to the other two corners.

It really was a surprisingly good hazelnut brownie.

Chocolate Hazelnut Brownie

200g chocolate (50%)

250g butter

200g brown sugar

4 beaten eggs

2 tsp vanilla

150g hazelnuts (I blitzed whole ones)

50g self raising flour

In a pot add the chocolate, butter, sugar and vanilla. Gently melt it down and add remaining ingredients. Pop into a greased and lined tray.

Bake at 180C for approximately 35minutes, and then let it cool in the tin.

30 thoughts on “surprisingly good chocolate hazelnut brownie

  1. Yum so good, I possibly put chocolate hazelnuts at the top of my list and marzipan second, but I am willing to go with your expert opinion. I think your brownies are calling to me. Did you use skinned ones to get that 15 minute window or did you use them with their skins on? Oh I feel all inspired to bake something now xx


  2. Yummy, I think you really needed to invent this. Our teenage daughter Grace invented something new today too with her cooking…. ‘the choc chip caramel tart ‘ . I will try your recipe asap . You can never have too much chocolate.


  3. Isn’t it nice when things work out the first time? 🙂 These look yummy indeed, and I love chocolate hazelnut combos too!


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