this weekend…

this weekend…

I got stuck trying on a vintage dress at a vintage and jazz fair. Arms shooting skyward in the change area, I was wedged in with no one to help. Call quietly to the stall holder or rip it and declare yes I would love to buy this one. The moment of panic passed and I was able to wriggle my way out. Dress back on the coat hanger and dignity left on the floor. (That’s the problem with these lovely vintage dresses, they look fantastic… but not a lot of give in the fabric.)

I fiddled with forced perspective photography. Seriously fun, but I have a bit to practise.

I made sourdough.

I made apple and sultana scrolls for my Monkey Boy’s lunch box.

The Monkeys went a scootering. Winter leaves under feet, winter sun on our faces and wind in their hair. Until we lost Little Monkey’s brake. How is a little fella to scoot without a brake? With speed, determination and probably a splash of luck I suspect.

This weekend, I started a cowl for my niece. I unravelled the start and began again. I stopped and am doubting what I should be doing with the wool. It’s so lovely and soft, I want to do the right thing by it… maybe it should be knitted? Speak to me baby alpaca and silk balls of softness.

Speaking of knitted, my nana knitted these. My nana is cool… these socks are very cool. Actually they are very warm which is why they are on my feet. Yep, warm cool socks. Who would have thought it?

This weekend I would like to officially apologise to my neighbours. Sometimes the need for loud chunky guitar music is stronger than the need to be a polite considerate neighbour, (it was brief…reasonably.)

What are you up to this fine weekend?

37 thoughts on “this weekend…

  1. Glad you escaped from the dress’s clutches! I also started to knit a cowl yesterday, then unraveled it, then started again. I might go and pick it up again before my baby awakes.


  2. Looks like a good weekend all round Brydie and what a giggle to start with. 🙂 I’d love to know what method your nana uses on turning the heel of socks — slip stitch or double stitch — as they are gorgeous looking socks.


  3. And what a beautiful dress to be stuck into too! I was at Stonehenge at a ceremony for the summer solstice. Sinking my bare feet into the ancient earth and reconnecting with nature …. and boy did I need my woolly socks after ……. thanks to our typical english summer!!


  4. I chuckled at the dress story – I do hate those experiences when something goes on but doesn’t come off. I never understand how it happens (given it went on!) but have had a few occasions with my arms pinned above my head and serious panic that I am going to be stuck in the change room indefinitely.

    It sounds like the rest of your weekend made up for the change room trauma and I enjoyed your focus varying photos here 🙂 And the warm cool socks!


  5. It’s cold but hasn’t it been lovely to be outside in the sunshine. No rain the entire weekend – almost too hard to believe! How awkward about that dress! And it is such a beautiful dress too but like you say, spandex wasn’t invented back then! Love the socks – they would keep your feet lovely and warm. Great knitting by your grandmother xx


  6. Oh, I’ve been there – trapped in the clutches of a dress I thought I could fit into. So glad you escaped! Also, your nana makes some cool/warm socks!


  7. that forced perspective photo is hilarious – do your kids cooperate with photos – sylvia is still a monkey when it comes to taking any pics

    love the socks – seems you can only get such cute stripey patterns if you make them yourself – the ones in the shop are so dull – if only I could knit faster (have been working on my knitting on the train and in the cafe today to get sylvia’s scarf done)


  8. Very cold here…racing around mowing lawn for farm stay visitors ( you always mow the day before so it looks nice!). Baby goats born and snuggling near fire!
    Your weekend sounded lovely. Love those socks.


  9. Finally a day of sunshine here, so we went for a drive and lost ourselves in the greenery of Surrey for three hours. Really, I mean we were really lost. Found our way out by following the sun. Thank goodness I’m married to a shipping man or we’d still be lost in Surrey!


  10. Love the cute vintage dress and love your description even more. I’m sure many of us have been in similar situations and that is with fabric that probably does have ‘give’. I had a fabulous weekend. We had our local show and my daughter and her boyfriend came up. What an actionpacked weekend- the show, driving up to Beechmont for its local Zest festival, back to what was left of the show, participating in the auction at the end of the show, collecting exhibits and thankfully “ribbons”, driving up to Brissy and eating at a highly recommended Vietnamese eatery. Full on and loved every minute of it. Its back to the grind today, but I’m feeling happily rewarded with a fabulous time with those I love most.


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